Disappointment Found

The addition of new content is always something people want to try, thats first, dont assume everyone will be always doing those with such frequency. But if people will play because of it, why deny them the pleasure? Stop bringing down good changes because they are good for some audience, even when not forever, but ocasionally after the hype goes away.

That was about your assumed permanence of popularity. They may be really popular, but not always so much that they take the wars away.

Fleet warfare is still about something you cant find in arenas. Its about base of peoples gameplay, their space, their living quarters, these are not going away. If someone will form fleet to bash your space, when your home is burning, why would you even care about some 2vs2.

So both ways of playing have space in eve because there is necessity of fleets.

Nothing is being transformed, people are given more fun options. Unlocking potential!

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Until so much time is being spent in the proving grounds that “The War” shuts down and the blue donut is re-estabished.

Dont assume it will be always like that. Wars are always not permanent. There are times of peace.
At least peeps have something to do in times of peace.

Also, when the rest of peeps is doing 2Vs2, u can do a fleet with few people who will really mess up the enemy infrastructure, because no huge response fleets that shut down yours. Small fleets matter more in such environment. The will to lead a fleet matters more.

Abyssal dead space didn’t exactly prevent wars from happening.

I’ve changed my view a bit on this. A limited time event with rewards hardly seems worth getting worried about and as others say may generate interest and result in new players.

I am deeply disappointed that @ISD_Dorrim_Barstorlode hasn’t merged this thread into the official release thread. This will not bode well for his upcoming performance evaluation.

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Fear not, I am now here and Dorrim cannot be far behind.


No because as we all know people are lazy, they will take this “fake” PvP over the real thing because they can avoid all the effort and strategy. No tackle, no response time.

The is PvP as a Merry Go Round Ride.


This is yet another content aspect added to EVE on top of a thousand more, and here we go.


If you don’t like it or have better stuff to do go do it and I’m sure you can find people who also don’t like it/have better stuff to do, to go do it with.

Why does every new thing have to become a ‘They killed eve again, AGAIN!’ drama train.

It’s not on top, that’s the point. It’s outside the sandbox again.

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BTW WTB 10/20 Caracal bpos for… dead sandbox stuff.

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just died to sensor dump caracals
brutal man

edit: i think the dirty minmatar ships may be the answer to them :frowning:

There is no fake or real PvP, its only smaller or bigger engagements on diferent rules, faster or slower to get into. :stuck_out_tongue:

How sad for you to never have experienced better and therefore deny it’s existence :sob:

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How does EVE make money off of people watching someone else play the game?

Koreans always find a way #eSports :kr:

yes… i feel the same

well it create hype
and there is a lot of people who play casualy and like twich
i can undestand that

at the end imho its = the old abyssal pvp … they have to put the old 1v1 cruiser back and we are good

after a few weeks people will gravitate back to the old activities and the championship guys will championship , you can see a presence of old alliance tournament corps already

NO CARE BEAR will touch that , is quicker meaner and you can loose billions doing that all day, care bears like to say they don’t pvp because of this because of that… LIEEEES

edit3: formats like 3x3 slycer , dessy x3 free for all are novelties and would not last, they are stupid , can be fun to pew pew , but no real skills needed , we need serious formats like 1v1 cruiser that already have a scene, chill it will be niche … no treat to normal business as usual

my 2 cents after one day trying with strangers because my 4 irl friends in the game are to afraid to lose 0,0000000000000001 % of their vast assets

edit4: OMG ccp give me free stuff im a one man CSM

I think that this is actually a step in the right direction, What is so different anyways? You basically consent to PvP the second you log into Eve, you can get jumped at any point or other players can “PvP” against you right in the station threw markets and whatnot. Proving grounds is just another form of the same.

My only complaint really is that it’s so limited in scope right now creating a bit of an artificial situation with T1 cruiser value but I assume that things will change in time.

I’m quite fond of the idea of matching up against an equal number of similar value ships, it’s something that has been missing the the game for years now.

Your last point I can completely agree with tho, there are big parts of the game that feel rather neglected.

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It’s advertising. People watch it and decide to play it themselves.

Boo hoo hoo. Poor sad panda. :cry:

Oh, you’re one of those. Now I know.