Disappointment Found

I’m sorry if I put this post in the wrong spot. I don’t think I have ever posted before. I don’t usually make drama in public places.

This latest update to EVE is a big disappointment for me. I’ve played this game for over 10 years. Seen it evolve and change in so many ways. Some good, some not so great. I live in null sec and high sec across 6 accounts. Something this game does not need is the “proving grounds” when the whole game is one giant proving grounds itself. PVP is everywhere, Null to high sec spaces.

It’s a shame to see the devs try to expand into this Quadrant 3. There is so much to this game that lie in languish. Wormholes have needed revamping for years. I have thought something better would come out of it. Furthering Planetary industry. New Ship designs, and not just skins either. There is more aspects of the game that all need updating. New ships and items that players could build from basic blueprints.

Why not spend time on improving the very things that have drawn the people to the game?

Thanks for reading this. :slight_smile:


Please use blockquote instead of code block - that annoying to read.


this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this

Instead of

 this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this 

Or better yet: don’t use one at all if it is not necessary


I agree that they should put more focus into fixing those things that do need fixing, and yes, a great many of us are here and stay here for what originally drew us in (10 years now, multiple accounts).

As far as the new “content” I have basically been ignoring it.


hey dummies . we are the content


I don’t mind the pvp on demand stuff, and I don’t think it will detract from the rest of the game. in fact I think CCP is doing it right in that you can still have people scan down your trace and be waiting for you to come out.

Also ships blowing up, no matter how they blow up, is economically good for all of us.

i do mind, i think it SUUUUUUCK
but i was chilling in jita and lacking friends :frowning:
so i invited a enemy to do a fleet and try this new abyssal pvp
we won and rejoice
people said only pro pimped ships would be founded inside



Hey, if the game is a whole a proving ground, why would some proving grounds in proving ground hurt? Finally its all PvP, right?

What really hurts is lack of Captain Quarters. :anguished:


The whole filaments stuff is frikking awesome,
Watching new possibilities blossom.

But red dots dancing in my hangar
As I shake a fist in anger.


i wish there is 1v1 cruiser filament
or that my friends were not care bears ( null bear kind )

they come with 10000 excuses to not pew pew lol
lets do it tomorrow, i cant jump today bla bla bla … you don’t choose your friends but omg

but wen a f1 fleet appear they wet their pants , look at my kills , in my ship that if i loose papa mitans pay me back , bunch of vul$as

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Your rants are the best!


It does, have you seen the leaderboard? Those people usually lead or be in fleets in the sandbox. Instead they nonstop spend their whole playtime in this new instanced lobby shooter.

and camping? To suicide gank a T1 cruiser in highsec??

Thats proof its a success for CCP. Content that is being used in spare time when there is no fleet to lead.

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Totally agree…stop with the added BS nobody/few asked for and FIX the program.

  • FW
  • LS
  • Red Dots/sounds
  • WH
  • Hypershit
  • POS
  • to name a few
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I feel like PvP battlegrounds have been added to attract a specific streamer set.

More players/viewers is generally going to be good for the game.

But I can’t shake the feeling it will shift attention and resources (and sway balance priorities) away from the core of the game. Nerfs will come because of Proving Ground meta, not core game meta.

You’ll end up with a situation like role queues in Overwatch. A change implemented to kill boring meta in Overwatch League, that just shat all over the rest of the player base and has since been walked back.

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Its funny i watched several streamers today all doing abyssal proving grounds. Every single one of them thought it was a big success and said they were enjoying themselves immensely. One of the streamers hadn’t even played in years and still wanted to make sure they were trying it out.

Now i laugh because all the people who are all super concerned this hurts EvE pvp, don’t have to watch those streamers spend hours and hours roaming Null, watching group after group run to dock, and only even think of engaging if they are absolutely certain they can win the situation outright, no chances of failure.

I ask exactly what precious EvE pvp were you protecting when the far majority of the community have become hyperkillboard aware and are literally starving content from people to the point they wish to stop playing at all? You need to stop and ask yourself if EvE pvp is only ever a gatecamp at Tama and blob fight were people are arguing if 5000 people fighting actually constitutes a war or not.

Just because you do not like something doesn’t mean there isn’t a line out of the door of people who do. Not every patch is designed for YOU, and sometimes that is a good thing. Personally i find value in this patch and no i don’t run proving grounds.

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The idea for PVP arenas has been around for a long time. The first attempt that I remember was the Dojo built by CCP Veritas half a dozen years ago. It didn’t make it into the game but the next attempt was the Cladistic Cache which has been in the game since Onslaught.

The Proving Grounds are an iteration on the Cladistic Cache - it isn’t a new feature - and a lot of players are excited about it. It is true there are a lot of other features in the game that are overdue for attention but, this was low hanging fruit - a quick win. If it isn’t the kind of content you’re interested in - you don’t have to participate.

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But the fleets didn’t occur because of the arenas. People have to organize/lead fleets, they are not coming out of nowhere and choose their leader later. EvE never felt more empty than yesterday.

If CCP sees that as a success, they also need to state clearly that the priority is now on EvE being a lobby shooter game with leaderboards and not a sandbox anymore.

I need to say it again, lobby shooter and sandbox are different game concept, not attracting the same mindset. It’s mutually exclusive, splitting the EvE player base.


When the fleet wasnt needed or too boring to do, that proves the fleet warfare was not as attractive as the new content. So the success anyway.

The content isnt exclusive tho. The game is still the sandbox. With arenas in it.

Then you agree in EvE being transformed permanently into an instant gratification lobby shooter?

Because you can’t seriously compare the instant gratification play with the effort to assemble sandbox gameplay. Instant will always win because people are lazy. If you give me and all others the Iwin button for something, I will or finally have to press it because nobody else is left who didn’t use it.

The alternative for CCP would be to make sandbox gameplay more interesting … but this needs effort of course.


Freeform, sandbox, asymmetrical and strategic.

Basically non-gimmick pvp.

There are plenty other places to have fake pvp where killboards are everything. But the more successful the arena is in eve, the more it takes away from the sandbox.

Successful or not, it’s not a good thing.