Years ago people were upset because it seemed development of the game was neglecting bug fixes and problem solving in favor of new content and features. They had a point and CCP was receptive; they went to work solving problem and fixing bugs, halting all plans for large features to the game. Suddenly quality of life was more important than new stuff… We saw updates of models… better graphics fixes to problems that had plagued the game since release. it was nice. Then they forgot about new stuff…
They balanced and rebalanced… They fixed the fixes, they redesigned the redesigns. Here we are today on the thrid revision of ship models since then …and there hasn’t been the kind of expansions of the past even one in all this time. Yes, I do like the addition of some unknown space… (one of my early suggestions by the way) but I can’t help missing the Industry expansions, the pvp expansions, the pve expansions outline of the past. I don’t need my buttons on a wheel that pops up in the middle of the screen…
I want somthing fun to do as a miner… yes, moon mining is a nice change but is it really that new? is it really more exciting that belt mininig? where is the dangerous solar harvesting:? where is the unique and possibly cooperative comet harvesting? The ships look beautiful … they don’t need to be remodeled again. how about new ships?? and new activities that require these new ships? and new materials required to build these ships??
I hate to see the game languish… but it’s not languishing because new players can’t figure it out… it languishes because people are finding it less complicated and less intereting. I know you’d all like wow levels of player base… but that’s not going to happen maybe ever again.
Let’s bring back old players and stop putting all our eggs in the “attract fair weather trial players” basket… if they are intersted in the game they will play… if not …no matter what you do they are not likely to sudden become loyal fans because of a quality of life change. I only bring this up because I love this game. I want to see it succeed. There will never be another game like it.
IMO, EVE has become too Theme Park like already. There are so many PvE activities that the whole point of EVE is at risk of being lost. EVE needs struggle, hardship and turmoil in an environment created by CCP but the content created by players. Sadly CCP just keeps heading in the other direction…
This is actually something that id be interested to see.
A comet that moves around, and therefore you need to move along with it? With smaller comets being more lucrative but faster, and therefore requiring either a well fitted barge or even a venture?
balancing is a ongoing process … its never done … you make a change … see whats happening and change again … nothing wrong there
mining is mining … you really think its more fun to mine at a comet then in a ice belt? maybe you can bring some Null Sec ice to highsec but thats it … when you have done it for 10 times its the same all time … some as belt mining … same as moon mining … its mining you know … not really exiting … if you want it more exiting … go to low sec in a rorqal and try mining then … i think you soon will have some guys joining you
no … fun to the side … there where huge changes in the game … maybe sometimes it not that interessting for you but for others they are … next time you have some more interessting stuff happen in your EVE but others will not feel any change
next big thing … POS space trash removing … i really looking forward to that
most sticks in space are dead anyways … they just hang arround … would be cool to have a timer … when the forcefield is gone you have 30 days to fuel again or it will die like a container or wreck or whatever … then we could keep the POSes for the
niche existence they are still usefull …
How 'bout some Easter Eggs in them asteroids? You’re mining a common mineral and suddenly you get some Arkoner or rare mineral mixed in with your end-of -cycle amount. Or maybe you’re mining and when the asteroid is fully mined, a cargo container with ancient technology (Takmahl, Talocan, etc.) is jarred loose. Or when you’re mining a common variant you get the 10% better yield variant.
That said, I see so much mining going on everywhere no wonder mineral prices are at all time lows. I can’t imagine how much ore/minerals are stashed in hangars waiting for some mega-war in Nullsec to break out, or being piled up to build, what else, more Orcas!
Or, or . . . when you score a wrecking shot on the asteroid, it drops a hollow chocolate Easter Bunny or some of those marshmellow chicks, Peeps, I think they’re called.
On the contrary,it’s to LESS of an theme park for a modern game…
You simply could strictly seperate PVE from PvP for example…people who like to hit one another with clubs like caveman can do their thing and reasonable people like ALL PvE are can do their thing
Pretty easy in my eyes
Eve has become sterile because that’s what you get when you look for perfection in subtraction. CCP’s ‘everyone gets a participation award’ mentality has really eroded at what made Eve better a decade ago than it is now.
“What makes eve better” is finally arriving in 2019 and not staying in an endless 2003 loop…
Seperated PvP areas are the norm today and “the norm” should be the goal to go for a game competing in a decreasing market.
The funny part is that the bittervets deny to even see this reality by stating the “this is a pvp game dogma” over and over again…
Well i said it multiple times now…you CAN have your PvP…in seperated areas,this has to be enough…
If THIS would be enough for you to say “this is not my eve anymore” well then it is not and you have to go…but it is really simple…we had enough standstill in this game for the next 10 years…time for a reality check and a changed course TO the market instead of ignoring it…
the fact that you have cast the players and the community into categories and that everyone thinks they know the types and sub types of player demographics is one the major problems. Predictability and accepting status quo standards is what is leading to a washed down version of a much grittier game.