🚀 Discoverings are opening our doors to new recruits!


After a brief hiatus, we are looking to revitalise our corp with some fresh blood. Discoverings has a strong core of passionate players and we are looking for like minded people to join our merry band of reprobates.

We’ve got a good mix of players and play styles, some of us favouring PVE (ratting, mining, exploring, building) and others of us favouring PVP.

The corp has a laid back approach to the game, favouring social events over mandated participation. We believe the game should be fun and in being fun hope that people will naturally participate more. Most importantly, real life comes first.


  • Use of our very own Fort and Keepstar, located in some resource rich null-sec space

  • Access to region wide null sec ratting, with the protection of a capital umbrella

  • Regular corp events (e.g. PVP ops, Ratting ops, Mining ops, Corp raffles for shiny toys)

  • Corp SRP in addition to alliance SRP

  • Competitive Corp buyback programme for salvage, PI and minerals

  • A relaxed approach to losses - ships are meant to be lost in PVP. It’s more important to have fun than win the ISK-war

Who we are looking for:

  • All play-styles are welcome. We are happy to lend a hand helping people skilled up however, we do ask joining members have at least 15,000,000 skill points

  • We are looking for anyone and everyone to join us. Our members are primarily based in the EU or US timezones, but happy for others to join as well

  • Despite our multinationalism, we are primarily an English speaking corp

  • Ability to be on voice comms (Discord) is a must

  • Most importantly, we are looking for people who want to get involved with the group and social aspects of the game

Apply through our website : https://discoverings.org
Join our Discord server to find out more : https://discordapp.com/invite/ZhjGDJa


Morning bump :slight_smile:

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Still looking for people :slight_smile:

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We have our next corp fleet planned for tomorrow evening with lots of alliance ops going out all the time - there’s always something to do!


Tonight is our PVP op, our member will be heading out in ships given to each player from the corp… if they lose them, they will be able to claim back SRP.

What’s that? YES - you are effectively PAID to have PVP fun!

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PVP Op was a success! We managed to get 14 people out on the fleet. One of our new recruits managed to bag us the first kill. In total we manage to get 8 kills (even if one kill was a wrap bubble :wink: and have a lot of fun in the process.

We are still looking for more people! Come join us!

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Discoverings can provide loads of content and fun times!
It did it for me and I highly recommend it.


Great corp, great people, and Im pretty sure they are paying 500mil for a single post in this forum. I could be wrong about the last point.

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Definitely the best Null Sec corp I’ve been in by a long way.

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Next fleets are already in the planning while we have all sorts of alliance fun.
Meanwhile there’s allways some chatter going on in corp.


We loving call are corp PvP roams Welp Fleets but what is surprising is we are coming back alive and with kill marks … this is new, this is good. But whether we died gloriously or slaughter the enemy we have fun and that is the most important part of the corp. :sunglasses:


We have had a lot of interest lately both from new and returning players. If you want to join a fun corp where the core players have been together for years and yet new members feel straight at home give us a try. :grinning:

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I used to be really bad at PVP, now I’m just bad, I’ve got Discoverings to thank for that. Oxford English Bad, not Micky J Bad.

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