Discussion about Moderation

But look… it doesn’t matter if one thinks one is too intelligent, too stupid or too whatever for one’s own good. It’s about realizing that something about oneself isn’t good and then not acting upon it to fix it.

It’s like one realizes that one is hitting the wall with the head, knowing it’s bad, but then not stopping with it. When the wall cannot stop one, and all one does is break the wall, then what’s left to make one stop? It is only oneself.

Indeed it has.
See how it happens?

PS: This thread was always a veiled attack at me since OP anyways.
They are butthurt they got called out on spamming false flags, and tried to pin that on me.



I have heard rumours that EVE is EVE. And EVE is on the internet, which makes it get even sillier at times.

Yes, there are those who spend all day staring at the screen they have ( or 6 ) trying to work out how to genuinely hurt others. Not pop their pod, genuinely hurt the actual pilot. They see EVE as territory, and that means that they want the person off the server.

This has cost CCP a fortune in lost revenues. This Rich tapestry of roleplaying & pew-pew-pew, simply reduced to a drunken fight in a pub.

So I agree that more moderation is needed, but how do you do it?

Does a disabled person have to upload their paperwork to CCP and be on a ‘special list’? Even then pod-goo is pod-goo, and over-kill is over-kill. Each Incursion Ship I fly is worth about £20 in real money. About 2b in in-game ISK. I have 20 of them.

A proper hunt costs me, well, a lot. But then you’ll lose another player.

Even Aussie-rules Footie has rules, and that is a tough game ( I played rugby for teh record ).


I think the answer is teh Council of Stellar Management. And… Real-world skills.

Broadcast For Reps is a project designed to keep EVE Pilots safe. Yes, EVE gets rough, but… No one wants a dead capsuleer in real life.

Get too rough on the forums ( internet bullying ) and… You might just push someone into a suicidal spin.

I work for the NHS in the UK in Mental Health, and… Internet Bullying can kill. It’s called grooming. You pretend to be someone’s friend, then you a**-rape them EVE is EVE, so you must recognise this strategy.

The Council of Stellar Management can talk about this subject, but… Without proper skills they can’t spot when someone is…:

a) Spiralling, because their internet friend just stabbed them in teh back. Disabled people don’t always get out much, so Internet Friends can become a big deal for them/us.

b) Saying “it’s PvP” as they kick in vulnerable adults ( people with health problems ) for fun, as if it was some rather grubby bar in some rather grubby neighbourhood. These people are real. They are not ‘desirable customers’, as they will cost you revenues.

c) Actually so ill that you may well have to, well, intervene. Obsessive/Compulsive Disorder etc etc.


EVE is a great hobby. It’s Warhamster, but easier to move about ( on a laptop, instead of carrying 3 cases of lead ). It’s also a rich roleplaying tapestry. So many storylines you could follow.


Point b ruins it all. And Point c is…

Now factor in point a, and how rough EVE can get in normal gameplay.

Which takes us to… Easy Mode & Hard Mode. I just can’t see any other way of doing it. And no, not teh test server. Being a Test Pilot can be hard work. I mean proper Easy Mode.


Or has EVE become such a Toxic mess now that it is gone, and the decline from 60k players to 30k players is… terminal.

EVE can be saved. But you have to stop being so obsessed with PvP. In Incursion Fleets, or successful FoB Fleets, in £20 real-money spaceships, you use teamwork; not beating the living daylights out of each other over comms.

Where-else can you use Teamwork? Have a think.

Or is EVE really dead now?

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One thread was closed due to spamming false flags.
I did not do so, but we know who did.

Other thread was closed due to trolls posting inappropriately and off-topic.
Iirc, some 7 posts there focused on claiming I have a mental disorder.
Iirc, I didnt even bother to flag them. In general I avoid flagging.

Now, they made this thread, to try and blame CCP/ISDs for not “protecting them” against little ole me, when its them that broke forum rules and caused locking of the threads, not I.

PS: The OP already violates forum rules:

If they have a problem with me, or Moderation, they should send an email to the Community Support Team. That is the correct and only action that doesnt violate forum rules.

False flagging my posts wont work, and is a violation of forum rules.
Trying to claim I have a mental disorder/insulting me wont work, and is a violation of forum rules.

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Look, when you take a dog and condition it to attack any humans on sight then the dog needs to be put down. Is it the dog’s fault though?

Now the person conditioning the dog may say it’s all the dog’s doing, but eventually will people turn to the one who is conditioning the dog in such bad ways.

You then are triggering others with your constant nitpicking and you can be acting within the rules of the forum every single time and eventually the blame will fall on you. But are you really within the rules of the forum?

To quote from the guidelines:

And your constant nit-picking, or as people call it “salvoshing”, can be seen as a never-ending stream of knee-jerk contradictions.

Just saying. I mean you no harm. But you do keep triggering people.


If you believe that, then submit a report to the Community Support Team with supporting evidence of that having happened.

I’m not doing that. I don’t want to see you getting banned.

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I appreciate that.
I didnt mean you, but “you” at large for anyone that thinks it to be true and has evidence of it.

If CCP decides I should be banned, I will abide, as I always have to CCP decisions.

I use the word “you” often in the same way. It gets what I mean across in a face to face conversation, only it’s a bit more complicated on a forum. So I’ve started using the word “one” over “you”. But it’s difficult. The word “you” and it’s double meaning is stuck with me like a nasty habit. You’ll often see me editing my comments just to turn “you”'s into “one”'s. :smiley:


Infact, I wish people would send whatever reports they can compile (hopefully without lying/false evidence).

I am NOT a troll, by any means, but I would be intrigued to see if mass reporting by trolls can infact sway CCP to judge me as such, rather than judge the trolls for the attempt.

I hope not, but thats up to the quality/quantity of reports and CCP.

Atleast then the trolls crap here on the boards will be called to task, in a report via the official proper channel, rather than them constantly claiming I am what I am not, here.

I suspect they wont though, because they have nothing to support their claims.
Much easier to troll/harass/insult me here, than actually put their money were their mouth is.

Ah, so you haven’t been diagnosed any ASD? Then you’re just acting like a jerk, but that can be unlearned/ addressed.


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More lurking and less posting.

I’m tested/screened ASD negative.

Look in the mirror.
Claiming other people have mental disorders online is the lowest of the low.
Its the shittiest tier of trolling and ad-hominem.
Its so shitty and low, that I cant even be bothered to flag it as inappropriate, because it should be common sense to see it as such.

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Not all autistic people are disabled

Go away please

Also, I think this thread has been Salvoshed (?) as soon as post 23 (or around that)



This thread has run its course and is now locked. Do not re-create this thread.