Do not trust goons recruitment

Look at the corp you’re in. It’s not in any alliance.

You got scammed.

never ever expect a goon to be a good guy (in game)

Except between each other. Goonfucking is punished by the kickhammer. OP isn’t a goon tho so ■■■■ him.

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My guess is if I ever had a desire to be goon it wouldn’t last long because I would diddle other goonies.

goonswarm ganking their own members… and you’re just figuring this out?

So is every other nullsec corp/alliance given the same reasons…

The goons doing something for the lulz ? Who could imagine that ?


Es verdad , para la comunidad hispana, deberían tener mucho cuidado ya que estos pueden pedirte o si o inclusive tienen una plataforma (página web) para que tu deposites y
te llega un tipo de confirmación a tu correo etc. Debes de checarlo bien por que en general te manda a otra página en donde no siquiera es la llamada Vile Rat que encuentras en el buscador de Google.

Te recomendaria que cheques bien y antes de entrar a cualquier corp, que hagas las preguntas que tengas a tu reclutador para que tengas la confianza de que no perderás ni isk, ni assets.

Vuela seguro

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It’s clearly stated on there website under recruitment that they never ask for isk and if anyone does, you’re being scammed.


I followed the procedure to join goons on their public forums. Got into Karma fleet and had zilch problems. Actually they were quite helpful when I got into Delve. So ya, OP did not do his homework

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