Do you enjoy character customization? Be honest

Just in case you have forgotten, EvE online is classed as an MMORPG.

The bio and avatars help with the RPG part. You aren’t actually playing a ship…

—Gadget likes the character creator


The rather small inventory of clothing, hair accessories, and body modifications really limits the potential of the fantastic character pose and picture creation tools that are currently in place.

walking in stations again would also be nice, though I’d settle for a handful of poses of my character standing/sitting in place as the backdrop for market and inventory management…

and the lack of character portraits showing up when you click/double click on characters is an annoying issue – if I can’t open up the picture to see a better view of it, then that means that they can’t open up my portrait and get a much better view at what I did for mine.

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Nope, Nope will not go there. You know better and why WIS is gone. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

If you don’t Mail me In game and I’d be happy to say why.

Maybe in 20 years we will be able to wear hats AND NOT SHAVE OUR HEADS!! I do not want to be bald to wear a good hat in this game. Anyone else agree?

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True, you are playing a pod. :smirk:


It’s dated and basic. EVE must be the only game with a character creator you’ve played.

Having said that, CCP should just drop it and go back to the old cartoon creator. You could be much more creative with that one.

This one was designed for character based gameplay that never happened. And when we do get character based gameplay, it will have a modern creator designed by a company that knows how to do it right.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

I wish I could change my chubby cheeks without a full face reset. I am scared to lose my other great features if I were to buy one of those reconstruction permits.
Pilot’s Body Resculpt Certificate

I haven’t played many indeed, but I have played a few.

And none had the ability to take a profile picture at the end of the character creator, which I think is a really nice addition.

There may be other games that also do that, but I haven’t played those.

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I wonder how the portraits for the all NPCs like agents was generated? I cant imagine someone was generating them one by one in the character thing?

I enjoy character customisation, but I don’t feel I have nearly as much control over it as I do in other games. Or maybe I just find whatever controls there are awkward. So I just end up randomly generating a look for half an hour until I find one I like. Then I rotate the face to 45 degrees or so and add side lighting…which always adds a nice effect.

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All the old NPC avatars were replaced.

Likely the art team just pressed random, unless a specific look was desired.
But they had to use at least the same tools as everyone else - but could have had a few extra to make work faster.

–Director Gadget

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@plazid Yes. I enjoyed customizing this character.

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Character customization is now mostly useless. I’m using it only when I’m bored with the current look of my character… once in a year or two. I can’t say that I enjoy it, but I also can’t say that I don’t enjoy it.

CCP missed a huge chance to sell a lot of cosmetic items in Captain’s quarters. Now THAT was and still is something I would be interested to actually play with. Just imagine the possibilities… both from NES store or in-game…

  • collectables, trophies, corporation awards, event and tournament awards;
  • different interiors (sets and individual furniture)… ultra-modern space age, cowboy (ex. Firefly style), faction support environments (ex. Gallente FW command), seasonal environments (Halloween, Christmass,…)
  • cross overs… we already had Dr. Who event… why not have a Dalek by the sofa. Huge monetized collaboration opportunity with other IPs. Even interior design studios can benefit from market research by working with CCP to add content and observe usage statistics.

The best part of the customization is taking the photos at the last page with different poses!


My portrait looks ■■■■■■■ awesome, and if your portrait looks awesome then you’re obviously someone important and should be thought higher of. Like me.

If you put in zero effort, you get zero return. But I’d imagine most probably don’t even know there IS a benefit to how you present yourself, either in game or IRL.

It’s just a shame the forum portraits don’t update all that often. This one’s kinda old.

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Can’t you force them to be updated by signing off then back to the forums? :thinking:

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Considering I don’t remember my password, I’ll chose to live with the inconvenience.

You mean you don’t remember your EVE password or under the impression the forum uses a separate account and password? Because you authenticate through the CCP authentication site which uses your EVE account and password. Just in case you are not aware.

I’m sure I have the password written down somewhere in my house, I keep a log of them hidden, but off the top of my head I don’t remember it. And my log book is very well hidden, even from me.

I just don’t sign out. Ever.

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When I first stated EvE back in 2011, I thought EvE’s character creator was the coolest and most advanced I’d ever seen. It certainly was top tier for it’s time but that time has gone.

The carbon engine hasn’t really been worked on since WIS, that Vampire game, and all projects that would utilize it were scrapped. As such, other games have come along and surpassed EvE’s character creator and physics.

Name an MMO that does it better.