Do you really need a corp

When I got bored running missions, then I knew it was time to move out. What took the longest was deciding where to go, and who to fly with. Took a couple of tries before I found somewhere with the right mix of playstyles.
Now corp/alliance comms can be immature at times, but even we have some rules to keep everyone feeling at home.

Yes and no.

As pointed out, you are always in a corp even if it is an NPC. That is more than a technicality. There is always tax in an NPC corp but you never see it go. Nor do you see why. As your own corp manager you get to set your own tax rate, see when and when it is not collected and then are able to set aside that tax as an in-game “rainy day” account.

Then there are structures. If you want to put up a refinery, say for 0.5 moon mining or 0.4 reactions, or a citadel to be “home” or to do industry in, then you need to be a corp in order to launch such a structure on your own account.

As to trading, by being a corporation the number of contracts you can write increases by an order of magnitude, pretty much without having to skill up. This because you have access to corporate contracts, not just individual solo ones, set at 1, 9, etc per level.

If you are going to be solo anyway, then being a solo corp gives you a number of benefits, such as above. It just depends on your play style. If you just solo pvp, with no trade & industry, it is less attractive (other than self-taxing). The only obvious downside of a corp, especially if you pvp, is you can be wardecced, which means any hisec structures you do have could then be targeted.

I’ve yet to find an MMORPG that isn’t vastly improved by joining a corp/clan etc. This seems even more true for Eve because it’s time consuming and not much happens for long periods.

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