Hambo, what you have just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
I can pretty much guarantee that Whinedoze 7 and Linux have nothing to do with EvE players. This particular tin foil hat issue is completely irrelevant to this issue.
It is on the decline. Why? Because MMORPG players are getting older and when a game like this is balance around mutiboxing and does not offer great combat. (old man game what my nephew called it lol.) it is going have a hard time getting new people.
It’s up to you to create the great combat. It wont be handed to you on a plate. My 3 main chars have 1100 kills between them ( and just 20 losses ) , an increasing number of which are solo kills. I’m having a great time.
You’ve barely been in the game 6 weeks, and a lot of stuff that doesn’t make sense at that stage makes perfect sense as further time goes by. You’ve only to look at my comments over 2.5 years on this forum to see how one’s perspective changes entirely as one grasps the game more. I was once a very timid carebear who never travelled more than 4 or 5 systems from Vittenyn, and who hated gankers. These days I travel all over Eve and have done ganking myself, and suspect chasing, and structure bashing, and quite a few large battles.
Spacetramp thinks I am ‘bragging’…but you really have to have utter faith in yourself, and maybe even an over-inflated sense of destiny, to survive in this game.
While the above is pretty accurate, it doesn’t address the original criticism and actually reinforces it. Holly says it’s hard to get new people interested, and Altara responds with Eve doesn’t seem interesting because you’re new.
There’s also the assumption that combat is great if you win without addressing the actual combat mechanics or describing why they’re good or why they could appeal to someone who was new. It doesn’t counter the image Holly’s nephew put forth that Eve is a game for old men, and not appealing to the newer generations.
If I were Holly, I’d take this response about the same way I’d take being ignored since I would feel like what I actually said wasn’t given due consideration.
Take this statement the way someone who’s yet to play Eve would. Someone tells you that 5 to 6 weeks in is not enough time to make the game fun, and that the amount of commitment and effort to put in considerably exceeds this. Just how long would you want to futz with a new game before it becomes fun? It’s great that Altara puts herself out there as an example of a success story, but is this even remotely indicative of the average player’s willingness to deal with a game putting its worst foot forward at the start of their career and leaving it in their face for over a month? I doubt it.
People need to be describing in no uncertain terms how to do fun and exciting things in Eve well before the one month mark and how to get involved in those things. Where to go, and who to talk to. People need to tear down this image that Eve is a game only for veterans if they want Eve to appeal to players who aren’t veterans. Offering platitudes will only go so far if the substance of the complaint goes unaddressed.
I fail to see where the newer generation of gamers having the patience and attention span of a toddler on crack is somehow our problem. If you’re the “gotta have it now for no effort” type of player, EVE is not the game for you. Simple as that.
Free Omega or not, in EVE’s 21 year history, we’ve never had more than 60k-65k player at it’s peak. EVE is a niche game, and is never going to have WoW login numbers.
Er…no…that is not what I responded with. The game did seem interesting when I was new, but the perspective on the game and the things that interest change over time. Noobs have a certain perspective on the game because they are noobs.
Lol…we have no idea if the anecdotal ‘nephew’ ever even played the game or for how long. Anecdotal nephews are not exactly a prime source of reliable info on the game.
No, that is not what I actually said. It’s just another example of words being twisted.
Given that I started off as the most cautious carebear in the game, and was mocked right here on this forum by Gix stating I never went more than 4 systems from Vittenyn…my argument is more of a case of ’ If I can succeed in the game…anyone can '. Far from putting myself forward as anyone exceptional I’m in fact saying this is the real experience of the average player…its just that the forum lacks all those average players as they are mostly too busy playing rather than whining.
EVE was much more fun decades ago when all you got was being placed in the middle of nowhere in a pod with a slap on your ass and a “good luck out there”.
100% its not gaining any new people , we just get people re subbing accounts at this point and with how bad the updates are going and ■■■■ state pvp is in less will keep doing it over the years.
its basiclly the same now I do not know but I think thats almost ecatly what they do now the tutorial is just ■■■■ barely prepares your for anything you have to leran almost everythin on your own the only thing it does do start you off in highsec