So you keep going off on waffling ideology statements like this:
My points aren’t about whether EVE is ‘competitive’ in nature (news flash for ya: so are most games), or about whether each individual player “accepts New Eden as a whole”. You keep trying to refute data and evidence-based observations with fuzzy philosophy.
I’ll try to break this down as simply as possible. I won’t bother linking the sources of all these because if you don’t understand this, you have a lot of research of your own to do:
- People are intrinsically wired to focus on things that represent some sort of gain for themselves.
- People are intrinsically wired to avoid things that represent some sort of loss or cost to themselves, lacking some sort of commensurate gain to offset the potential risk.
- People play games to create for themselves some feeling of satisfaction. That satisfaction can be derived from multiple sources, but most often by simulating the feeling that they have gained something of some type of value. This works even when the activity frequently does not generate a gain but offers only the reasonable potential for a gain of some significance.
- People tend to avoid risks of unknown quantities, particularly when the gains appear to be minimal.
So when you say
you’re dead wrong. You could say “hey look it doesn’t matter how it’s designed, everyone ‘consents to PvP’ when they undock so the design is perfectly good”.
People are economic creatures. They’re pretty good at it, overall. They can do the internal math of this activity vs. that activity and come up with answer: “Activity A is more rewarding for me than Activity B”.
Sure, people are concerned about loss. Sure, people are wary of the unknown. Sure, people are a little too focused on a sure gain - they’re literally wired that way. Sure, people often need to be taught a new way to visualize something in order to evaluate whether it’s worth participating in.
Most players MMORPG mostly for the PvE experience. It’s been that way in MMORPGs forever and still is. For conflict fans, they generally do FPS or Moba or Battle Royale or combat simulators. And most MMORPGs have had a very hard time integrating their PvE side with their PvP side. As a MMORPG with a supposedly PvP focus, EVE has to go even farther to try to make this work. That’s where the problems lie.
The NPE doesn’t even mention PvP. Most EVE ads show extremely idealized PvP. PvP is disincentivized in multiple ways. PvP is a lossy process, more is lost than gained. PvP essentially has no upside for a loser or learner, not even the illusion of gaining “reputation” or some other immaterial gain. EVE lacks any effective “onboarding” process to introduce newer players to PvP. Heck, the NPE literally tells them to go make lots of ISK, and hey, mining is a great way to do it!
PvP is a losing proposition for most players, with little offer of gain of any sort (rep, ego, standings, benefits, material or otherwise). So they avoid it. It’s not fear, it’s not “refusing to recognize the totality of EVE”, it’s simple math.
These are the areas where EVE PvP mechanics fall short. There’s only “nothing wrong with it” to players who’ve fallen into a comfortable PvP rut over the years and don’t want something to come along and shake up their routine.