Does anyone notice nobody talks and local anymore

I see that you’re living up to your, badly spelt, name…

Could you kindly be an annoying bellend somewhere else you poncey twat.


I was going to reply to solecist with some long diatribe about his actions and such.

But I’ll shorten it.

Yes, Solecist, you are indeed an exception.


You have summoned me!
What’s up with especially me?

Keeping my head down?


That’s what the “Help” channel is for, when the mods aren’t looking. For interesting and enthusiastic conversation, just type “MAGA” and quietly walk away.

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I was saying you encourage talking in local.

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Imagine Jita local. Times 10.

I’m not sure if one big global channel is a good idea. Local is nice, as it allows you to talk to people who could help / shoot you right now. That adds an extra dimension to it, as opposed to talking to someone who’s possibly at the other side of the EVE universe.

It isn’t. For many reasons. Especially unmoderated.

The more people in any crowded chat, or forum, or game, the lower the quality, unless the influx of new people stays within managable amounts. This is observable in every single community that isn’t paywalled and or heavily moderated. It’s observable on reddit, as great example and I regret not bookmarking each and every subreddit where someone complained about the exact same phenomenon regarding his own specific subreddit.

They all complained about how quality dropped with an increase in people. Communication more and more devolves into jokes and fun, with actual quality discussions being far lower in the ranks, or more privately. The more people are only in it for the fun (the casuals, mainstreamers and culturally unadapted), the less quality people will be staying due to a lack of quality discussions being the center of the place.

Just like in EVE ONLINE since 2013, but not much in terms of quality discussions, but quality people. Quality people kept leaving, because CCP rather had easy people with loose wallets.

Smart people are more money conscious.

Anyhow, I digress. Mainstreamers and casuals only care about themselves. Niche product users actually care about the place, the community, the “product”. It’s the group of people interested in this specific “thing”. “Niche product users” are basically what every community contains at the beginning, unless that community specifically targets mainstreamers right from the start.

Just like in EVE ONLINE.
Just like in Ultima Online.
Wasn’t WoW much different until they “modernized” it?

It was the same with the national radio chat in Austria, which was first limited to 256 users and then got pushed to a few thousand. Quality of people/communication dropped dramatically and usually permanent chatrooms literally died due to the shift.

Juts like EVE’s racial chatrooms.

Minmatar chat was quite active during my prime, also thanks to Sol’s regularly occuring drunken mondays *cough* and my general presence, while nowadays it’s dead. Literally dead. A hand full of people, sometimes less, rarely talking.

It’s always the same.
It’s always the fault of those who run the show.
It’s always because of a massive influx of people, usually casuals/mainstreamers.

You can read more about this phenomenon *points* here. Apologies for the TV-Tropes link.
IN A ■■■■■■■ INSTANT!

This paragraph here teaches about how it worked in EVE ONLINE before CCP decided to (actual quote) “expand its fanbase”:

Established netizens took it upon themselves to teach the n00bs the netiquette, and within a few months the Internet would go back to being a place for sensible and intelligent discussion.

Old players took care of new players. The influx was managable. New players learned to integrate and be part of the culture thanks to their elders teaching them. The rest of the people dropped out due to not fitting into our culture.

And then CCP took over caring about out new players and nerfed certain mechanics people used to integrate them.

Now we have a huge amount of people who have absolutely no understanding of the social mechanics behind this, who mindlessly - like robots - claim that bringing in more people is good and, even worse, that more people is always better, blablabla.

And trying to teach them (too many ■■■■■■■ people nowadays, really) anything about the depths and complexities of HOW ■■■■■■■ SOCIETY WORKS IN A PRACTICAL MATTER is ■■■■■■■ literally like trying to teach a monkey reading!

I agree on this, but that doesn’t change the fact that you can not ignore the type of anger they’re letting out. The worse it is, the more anger has already been inside that person, which means that, on this level of “anger”, the person definitely is ■■■■■■ up.

The difference is significant. What people say in anger is showing what’s going on inside of them, not just current but also the past. People don’t explode into rage because they’re just angry now, they explode into a rage because that’s what inside of them all the time, waiting to get out.

These people are ■■■■■■ up.

What you describe is very normal, in that many people bottle up their anger over an extended period and over non-related things, often eating chicken shite from governments, their companies, poor service and the like from people doing work for them. Then they attempt to play a game where they try to chill out, and along comes a ganker who blows them up and then starts subtle digs, which then escalates. I may find CODE’s wind up a tad amusing and well crafted, but I also understand that people are going to blow up at times and will let out more of their built up frustration than just the loss of pixels.

They are only human…


You really don’t understand humans at all if you think that this level of bottled up anger is sane, normal and not actually dangerous. It might be common, but it is not normal. It is also not safe for people around them, because they’re living, ticking timebombs.

You’re a good example of someone who has some serious anger bottled up. You expose it every time you prematurely post and then have to correct all the rage-typed spelling mistakes you made. Sorry to say that, but you really aren’t anyone who can judge about the “normality” of such people.

You try to hide the fact that you’re seriously pissed off and having a lot of ■■■■ inside you, that wants to get out … which is a huge problem, actually.

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By the way, letting out that anger before you can do actual harm to someone one is a good way to deal with it.

I am dyslexic, WTF are you going on about? Also I touch type but due to a bit of calcification I have lost a bit of dexterity. So this is rage to you, LMAO.

So it is about me now, back to this shite again. Well for a start I have lost a fair few ships in the game and no one has any logs of me blowing a fuse. You project onto me so much bullshite.

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Yes, it is. Doesn’t change the fact that how the anger is being expressed shows the level of “■■■■■■ up” in the person. Also, for a fact, letting it out on an internet forum isn’t actually helping. It’s just increasing the disassociation of the real persona from the online persona. The actual issue mostly remains.

I didn’t know people only suffer from the symptoms of dilsexiness when they’re angry. :roll_eyes: You can not pretend that you’re not having some seriously bottled up anger inside you, which comes out every time you believe some (group of) “victim(s)” is being “abused” or the like.

You really can’t. You can only pretend it towards yourself, and that seems to be what you’re doing.

No. That was the topic. I was pointing out that you are in no position to talk about this, because you yourself are one of those with tons of bottled up anger.

Hell, you don’t understand the most basic things about this. You believe that it doesn’t matter what kind of ■■■■ someone throws at others in anger and call it “human”, which is really bad.

We can drop “you” as a topic. No problem with that. Just please stop believing that people with actual, serious emotional issues are “just human”, because you’re spreading ■■■■ that’s dangerous for others and wrong.


What are you going on about the forums for? Many people are fecked up.

You seem to think that dyslexia affects people when they are angry, hmmm.

I am not pretending anything, you keep telling me I am angry every time I post anything, it is really odd and getting a bit tiring. I think you are just desperate to throw anything at me to stop me from posting.

You keep telling me that I am angry, weird…

Humans are imperfect creatures in so many ways.

You always seem to want to bring it back to me when you don’t like the direction of the conversation.

In any case many people are angry over things, and some let go of it all when it is an accumulation of anger, just that I mentioned it does not mean I am like that. Seriously…

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You just don’t get it.

The point is that you are wrong believing that it does not matter what someone says in rage.

It does. You believe it doesn’t. It does. It reveals a lot about the person. When someone yells at you that he’s going to kill you, that he’s going to rape you, your sister, your mother and your family, suggests you’ve been raped by your uncle and your father, then it makes a difference.

Wishing horrible, lasting physical and emotional pain on others!

If you don’t understand that it makes a huge difference then that indeed is a problem, because it makes a huge difference! It reveals a lot about the person saying these words, especially when in rage!

It reveals that this person has absolutely no empathy, no bad conscience, no actual feelings for anyone but himself! It reveals that this person has no clue about actual pain, or doesn’t give a flying ■■■■ about anyone feeling any pain!

He doesn’t just want you dead, he wants you to suffer for the rest of your life!

You think it’s fine to pee on a statue and the reason is, basically, that you’re disliking/hating/opposing something. That might be getting you into trouble, but you believe that you’re justified because of your disliking/hating/opposing. You’re not, but there’s worse things you could do!

Someone who spreads the ■■■■ like I’ve written above also feels like he’s fully justified throwing this ■■■■ at someone and yet he’s not and it’s ■■■■■■ up to say these things to someone else, no matter what!

The person who throws this ■■■■ at someone, for whatever reason or WORSE, just because he got ganked in a video game, has some serious problems and you claiming that “it’s just anger and it’s human” is wrong, because it isn’t!

It’s not helping him or anyone if he lets that out. Not at all! What would help him is getting actual help to figure out how to release that huge amount of ■■■■ he gathered inside of him, or jailtime if he’s an actual problem for other people!

How can you think this is in any way or form normal behaviour?

What monsters are humans in your mind??

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I really, really, do not want to know.

that moment when your speaking in local and someone is like COMS! and draws a line ------------------

Ok doctor, thank you for your medical advise. You state that people are in danger, did you alert the authorities? Or is it only in your mind?

This topic is gone way beyond the OP Topic. Good discussion all around. Closed.