Does CCP ever advertise EVE Online?

The rude thing…

Start an I-Quit thread hating on EvE and get bombarded by Join-EvE ads. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

–Gadget is sometimes amused by market bots


“Online advertising is a bit like “Joe bought a car, so he’s a person that buys cars, so obviously he’s gonna feel a need to buy a car the very next week after buying his last car”.”

And yet it doesn’t necessarily have to be that disfunctional. If CCP were to use a little more sense, they’d at least have some better ‘low level’ advertising out there.

well we did have a trailer at the opening of a movie once.

If you advertised to the WoW crowd these forums would just become an even larger hotbed of whining.


They might, beats me. What does make it past the ad blockers, my brain filters out anyway. If you’ve seen a million ads you’ve seen them all, I don’t even pay attention anymore.

When was the trailer at a movie? That would be awesome! CCP does do a very nice job of creating those, so I can see interest spiking after such a presentation.

I have wondered why I can walk into the bookstore and find sci-fi novels for a half-dozen different games or the toy store and find toys for the same and yet find nothing for EvE.

I’ve also wondered how expensive it would be for CCP to join the bloatware movement and pay OEM to have a launcher installer .exe on the desktop of new computers.

And what about the name? EvE Online is so very '90s boring. Marketing needs to figure a more exciting name. Even EvESpace has more pizzazz.


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Please, no adverts in wow. You know what happens when somebody quits Eve and starts wow? The collective IQ of both groups goes up.

Unfortunately, CCP was never good in marketing, best example is the Eve merchandise store. Small / uninspired product spectrum and comparatively high shipping fees, even in the latest version of the store.

Ok, the trailers they make are fantastic :slight_smile:


But the day I see an EVE ad (or any ad, for that matter) anywhere on my computer, is the day I turn it off forever. Because that is the day that the corporatocracy has truly won the internet.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

As others have said, EVE ads tend to show up for people who have recently googled/talked about/linked to an EVE topic somewhere.

In the current Internet marketing environment, you buy ad time from an ad provider, and that ad provider uses their own algorithms to decide which ads to show for which people. ‘Show clothing ads to people who googled clothing’ makes sense. ‘Show EVE ads to people who watch EVE videos’ does not (or, not so much).

Unfortunately, like many gaming developers, CCP apparently has no one on board who actually understand marketing to their audience. If you want to market EVE, you tell your ad supplier to show it to people who have googled/accessed “sci-fi, Firefly, Babylon 5, Star Trek, STO, Star Citizen, Star Conflict, BattleStar Galactica, Star Wars, SWTOR” and about 20 other topics involving space shows, space games, and ‘best MMO’ lists.

Then you pay 2 people to do a couple of different types of web crawl on a couple different computers/IPs, and see if your ad provider is doing anything useful. If not, time for a new ad provider.

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same here, its quite amusing

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