Does Eve have an "over-fishing" problem?

There’s multiple die-hard pvpers in this thread explicitly asking for improvements to PVE content.

The funny thing is that a long time ago we used to fight over resources. We would PvP to get good PvE sites. Weird, right?

Now people just PvP for no real reason. Fun, I guess. But there is no motivation behind it, just lulz.


Faction Warfare…

No. majority will not play the game they were knowing, they will feel CCP nerfed their favourite gameplay so bad its just not possible to play more like they want, and would deem this game dead for them, and move to some other game with space theme, where they can do the same mission running, mining and acumulating wealth.

The juicy targets in low and null are usually people who know PvP enough. There is less of them flying juicy because it hurts a lot more when they know they will lose it, and replacing it will take a lot longer than before, so they dont undock juicy now.


I agree with you :100:%


At this point, I know CCP is corrupt, rotten from the inside. Their goals aren’t geared towards players’ QoL or satisfaction. It’s only and solely geared towards profits, money, that cold hard cash, greed-induced indifference and shenanigans bordering on criminality.
Well, not on my back, CCP. You will never get one cent from me, ever.
I was going to go Omega in a month. Then I read Bluelysian’s thread in Out of Pod Experience I AM LOOSING EVE & FAREWELL - #24 by nitro_oxide and what I learned today confirms my worse fears for EVE.
What used to be a game is now only a tool for greed.
Shame on you, CCP! EVE may not be dying but you’re doing everything to kill it.


You allready pay them just by logging in!

No I didn’t pay them. Not a cent left my bank account to go over to CCP’s. Now if they get paid by some unknown mechanic from some other sources for me logging in, IDGAF. I’m not out to prevent them from making money. They just won’t make any from me.


But they did! Damn some people are dumb!

Let’s suppose I’m dumb.
Explain to me how one cent jumped from my bank account to CCP’s bank account without my permission.
Thank you.


Buy anything in EVE?

And they do every time you log in!


Out of hearts in forum but not on my phone.


Oh, you insult and ask questions later.
I see how you work.

And the answer is NO. Never bought anything from CCP ever.
Now shut up. You’re wasting my time.


We call that Capitalism. The funny thing is, management is celebrated for this attitude and they can get into really big trouble if they attempt to do anything other than chase short-term profits.

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Fancy word for Evil.

They do worse than chase profits at the expense of gullible people. They’re running a rip-off operation, a scam. But I don’t really care as long as the victim isn’t me.


Pretty much everything is a scam. Does Facebook seem like a legitimate organization? Or Microsoft? Or the World Health Organzation?


You never bought anything in EVE! How you get your assets?

im accepting donations


I don’t think so. LOTS of scams around these days for sure but everything? No. I’ve done plenty of deals that were fair for both parties. No scamming or anything and each party got correct value for their investment.
But I know where you’re coming from and your line of thinking can surely help the gullible.