Hello I am a player new to eve online, been playing for a few weeks and the game is quite fun. I just finished the career agents. Now I heard that I should do sisters of eve mission arcs. However I dont know what ship I should fly for the missions, I heard there are like 50 missions can I all use the same ship? can someone please help me create a cheap fit? I am caldari and didnt train any skills beyond destroyers. I also only trained missile skills cause I heard caldari is good at it.
also I dont really have much money so can the fit please be cheap? like 1-2M plz. I dont know how to get more money aside from running missions. thx so much thx so much.
if you look under community fittings in game, there are 4 SOE ships, and depending on the race of your character, one of those 4 fits may be easily skilled into, or if you prefer, you can skill into one of the others.
other than that, your race doesn’t matter throughout the rest of the gameplay, in regards to what you fly etc.
I have been playing about 5 months and recently did the SOE epic using a Minmatar Breacher frigate for all but the last two missions which I finished with a Minmatar Thrasher destroyer. Most of the missions are pretty straight forward but several require you to read the mission description carefully. On several others, you must be able to kite the NPCs (rats) not just dive in and take them all on. Hope you have fun doing the SOE epic arc…I did. Also make sure to loot the wrecks…I looted two worth over 8 million each…and one for 23 million…good ISK for a new bro!
Also the obligatory reminder that the SOE Arc can be redone every 90 days, which is one of the best ways to get empire faction standing up in the game.
Well, technically yes. But you also have to learn that ships are tools, and sometimes a screwdriver suits better than hammer.
Try a Corax, that’s the Caldari Missile Dessie.
Obey rules like “don’t mix tank, don’t mix weapons (launchers)”.
So a Corax CAN be fitted like that (easily under 2m ISK):
High slots: 7x TE-2100 Ample Light Missile Launcher (Meta is slightly better than T1, but not too expensive)
Med slots: Prop mod (MWD or Afterburner, so you can get away faster), shield extender (passive), shield hardener (active, needs cap), target painter (some easy e-war for a start)
Low slots: Ballistic Control System I (more damage), Damage Control I (basic defensive module, passive)
Rigs: 2x Small EM Shield Reinforcer I, 1x Small Thermal Shield Reinforcer I
Your job: Fit it regarding your given skills, bandwidth and power. Cap should be ok. And then: Get some light T1 missiles and have fun.
But be careful, the last missions are somewhat harder, for a new player a Cruiser is working better there, but it’s more expensive and needs additional skills of course.
Small EM Shield Reinforcer I
Small EM Shield Reinforcer I
Small Thermal Shield Reinforcer I
Uranium Charge S x1120
Depending on which Race you started with as I stated earlier, You would have been given a destroyer class ship based on your race. This is the community SOE arc recommendation for the Cormorant if you had chosen Caldari (who also created missile based ships)
wow thx for that fit. @Geo_Eclipse_Oksaras
just wondering what is the play style differences between corax and cormorant? I know cormorant uses railgun so its like what people call kiting? also the fit costs quite a lot, like 2.2M or something what if I lose it? I barely have the money to buy 2 of it. I only have like 4M. does SOE missions pay well? just incase I lose my ship.