Im new and ive completed all of those starter missions and i dont know what to do now

i dont want to give up on eve online, its seen like a cool game, but i do not know what to do now. Someone told me i should move to jita 4, so i did but as i am gallente, i dont get missions there. I also joined the stragetic exploration and development corps, and want to join a fleet, but i am lost as to how. i read the instructions but i cant make sense of it.

Okay. At this point, most people would recommend that you do the SoE epic arc. After that, however, and you need to start coming up with your own goals (i.e. get rich, git gud, get kills, have fun, make friends). I would suggest, however, trying to explore the various activities that Eve has to offer, so that you can figure out what appeals to you. This includes things on the PvE and PvP side of things.

Of course, this also requires knowing what’s out there, and how to get into it -which isn’t as straightforward in Eve as it is in themepark MMO’s. So, for that, I recommend:

  • checking out the Agency window in-game (it is not comprehensive, nor does it tell you how to get into things, but it can give you an idea of what’s out there)
  • checking out what guides, fleets, and Sig’s (Special Interest Groups) your corp/alliance offers
  • talking to other players
  • going on public fleets run by open communities, such as Warp To Me Incursions and Bombers bar (communities are similar to corps, but you don’t have to join in order to participate in their fleets. They will, however, often have ship requirements and rules that they expect you to follow in order to ensure fleet safety [which they will inform you of before hand])
  • and looking up tutorial videos

Oh, and do note that as a highsec corp, SiCo won’t provide you with easy access to everything that Eve has to offer. So, if SiCo doesn’t appeal to you, you might want to check out corps in other areas of space.

Aren’t you in SiCo? Can you help get this guy sorted?

Oh, and welcome to Eve.


okay thanks i will do that sisters of eve mission thingy. Any tips on it?

if you start doing mission running, its best to learn how to use guides like above to help get an idea how to fit ships for certain NPC rats. If you need anymore help you can tag me here and I can give you some advice for running the arc.


A good strat for newbros is the kiting destroyer. It’s kind of slow compared to more expensive/skill intensive ships, but it can really help you punch above your weight.

I assume you have gallente skills. The fit is low skill, so you shouldn’t have much problem fitting it. If you can upgrade stuff, your priorities would be the damage mods, damage control, and tracking computer. If you can use T2 guns, they’re definitely worth it, but they would also make the fit extremely tight on CPU, so that would require some bigger changes to the fit to make it work. So, let me know if that’s the case. Anyway, the price of meta guns can vary quite a bit, depending on where you buy them. So, I went with meta level 2. Feel free to upgrade to meta level 3 (125mm Compressed Coil Gun) or 4 (125mm Prototype Gauss Gun) if you can afford it though (they do slightly more damage, and have slightly longer range). Oh, and the implants are optional.

Anyway, this fit works for all of the missions except the last one where you have to kill Dagon. In order to use it, set your keep at range distance to be a little within your optimal (i.e. if you have a 28km optimal, set keep at range to be 25km or so). Then, whenever you are fighting drones, frigs, and dessies, turn on your prop mod, and then use your keep at range command to keep your distance. Most of those things won’t be able to apply any meaningful damage to you at that range. Bigger ships tend to have longer ranges, however, so you’ll typically want to orbit those.

Fortunately, you won’t have to worry about that too much in the SoE epic arc, however, there is a battlecruiser that can cause you problems (there’s only one in the entire mission chain, so you’ll know him when you see him). Normally, I’d recommend trying to get a tight orbit on him, but he also neuts, so just start orbiting, blast him for as long as you can, and get ready to warp out if your cap or health gets too low (note that if things get hairy, you should prioritize getting offgrid as quickly as possible, not warping to a station or whatnot. So don’t faff about looking for dockup, just pick a celestial and bounce. See eve university’s pod saver tutorial for more information on getting offgrid quickly). Regardless, once you’re off grid, dock up, repair your ship, and go back to keep chewing on that battlecruiser.

Oh, and if you mess up and let small stuff get on top of you, switch to antimatter and the tracking range script. Clear the things that are scramming you, and then bounce (there will be a scram icon on the overview).

Kiting Catalyst

[Catalyst, PvE /Sniper /Alpha]

Damage Control I
Vortex Compact Magnetic Field Stabilizer
Vortex Compact Magnetic Field Stabilizer

1MN Monopropellant Enduring Afterburner
F-12 Enduring Tracking Computer, Optimal Range Script

125mm ‘Scout’ Accelerator Cannon, Iridium Charge S
125mm ‘Scout’ Accelerator Cannon, Iridium Charge S
125mm ‘Scout’ Accelerator Cannon, Iridium Charge S
125mm ‘Scout’ Accelerator Cannon, Iridium Charge S
125mm ‘Scout’ Accelerator Cannon, Iridium Charge S
125mm ‘Scout’ Accelerator Cannon, Iridium Charge S
125mm ‘Scout’ Accelerator Cannon, Iridium Charge S
125mm ‘Scout’ Accelerator Cannon, Iridium Charge S

Small Polycarbon Engine Housing I
Small Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer I
Small Hybrid Locus Coordinator I

Zainou ‘Deadeye’ Small Hybrid Turret SH-601
Eifyr and Co. ‘Gunslinger’ Motion Prediction MR-701
Inherent Implants ‘Lancer’ Gunnery RF-901

Antimatter Charge S x2000
Iridium Charge S x10000
Tracking Speed Script x1

iirc, Dagon has an active repair rate of 200 EHP/s, which means your dps needs to be more than that if you ever hope to kill him. So, you’ll also want to bring blasters, and shield extender with you, and then refit for the final mission. Note that this fit trades A LOT of range for more DPS. So, you’ll have to get in pretty close to be able to kill stuff.

Dagon has a few frigate escorts that can be quickly dispatched. After that, orbit dagon at 2.5km or so, and pound away at him till he is dead. He poses less threat than the battlecruiser, so he shouldn’t be a problem.


[Catalyst, Dagon Alpha]

Damage Control I
Vortex Compact Magnetic Field Stabilizer
Vortex Compact Magnetic Field Stabilizer

1MN Monopropellant Enduring Afterburner
Small Azeotropic Restrained Shield Extender

Limited Light Neutron Blaster I, Antimatter Charge s
Limited Light Neutron Blaster I, Antimatter Charge s
Limited Light Neutron Blaster I, Antimatter Charge s
Limited Light Neutron Blaster I, Antimatter Charge s
Limited Light Neutron Blaster I, Antimatter Charge s
Limited Light Neutron Blaster I, Antimatter Charge s
Limited Light Neutron Blaster I, Antimatter Charge s
Limited Light Neutron Blaster I, Antimatter Charge s

Small Polycarbon Engine Housing I
Small Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer I
Small Hybrid Locus Coordinator I

Zainou ‘Deadeye’ Small Hybrid Turret SH-601
Eifyr and Co. ‘Gunslinger’ Motion Prediction MR-701
Inherent Implants ‘Lancer’ Gunnery RF-901

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o7 Resident SEADC/LinkNet forum warrior reporting for duty!

Welcome to EVE, and to SEADC! The best advice I can give that Shipwreck hasn’t already covered is to use the Rookie Chat (open on all new accounts automatically) and the LinkNet coalition chat (instructions for joining are in the corp chat window) to ask questions as you explore EVE. The community is very much around to help out with any questions or give suggestions for activities based on your interests and availability.

Beyond that, as Shipwreck said, think about what you liked and did not like from the career missions and the Sisters of EVE epic arc. Based on that experience, what do you want to do more of? What do you want to avoid? Your answers to these questions will help your fellow capsuleers make suggestions on activities you are likely to enjoy. The career missions and epic arc introduce basic mechanics, but EVE is a whole lot more than Player vs NPC missions - and there are lots of folks happy to help you explore the depth and detail of this wacky game universe.


My husband and I are working up our native factions by flying to all the systems and doing their missions. There’s a lot of repetition, but you’re making bonus and receiving loyalty points as well as ISK along the way… and believe me, that 5.0 grind will help you if you’re staying on the light side of the force.

Same can be done for all the corporations in your faction and, if you’re into min-maxing factions, you can undertake the challenge of being just liked enough to be able to go anywhere (which involves both player and NPC work).

Social skills are diplomacy, etc are the skills that help if you’re looking at being friendly with your enemies. (PC or NPC here, too.)

If I’m on, feel free to drop me a tell with any questions. I may not know the answer, but I can sure find it. Your new player corporation is really good for insight as well, but can be prickly at times.


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simple, get 1000000000 isk.

… by selling salvaged metal scraps.

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