[DONE] Apocalypse Imperial Issue

As far as I know, there are only 4 such ships in the game. 1 destroyed. There are 3 left.

I understand that the cost is more than 1 trillion isk. However, the question is, how much can this ship cost? Or so: how much are you willing to pay for it?

Five were handed out, one was destroyed and a couple were turned in for an event. Only one remains and 5 to 10 tril or more wouldn’t surprise me if it actually shows up for sale.


About 1/10th the cost of the Megathron Federate Issue…


It is probably less than 10t thought. Not so long ago @Cherry_Vanilla_DietCoke flexed their Raven State Issue with Cambion in escape hatch. No one dared to buy it for 10t back then :wink:

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fwiw, you can put it on contracts for 10-20t and be entertained with various offers almost instantly.

You can put it on contracts for up to 10 tril isk max… there are 4 state ravens vs 1 impoc.

I thought there is still one from the Succession Championship times (excluding the one behind banned acc) and there is the one from the lottery.

Do all 4 RSIs still exist? I know about two for sure.

Yes, all 4 exist and at least 3 are active.

Thx all.