Double Standards and Complete BS

you raise no debate when you say something stupid. You just raise people willingness to answer stupidly because they believe it’s april’s fool.

I think we’re getting closer and closer to that point. Another year or two and EVE will just be 3 to 5 giant blobs hiding under their umbrellas, with CCP slowly going broke because the 60k players in those blobs don’t fund an mmo when all of them try to play for free.

As a new/returning player I understand this feeling. When you’re new to the game, travelling out of hi-sec often leads to getting killed by players in ships 20x your ship’s worth.

I remember this kill quite vividly

It’s from 2017 and I quit playing EVE for a while after it. I was flying a 19m ISK T1 cruiser fitted entirely with T1 modules/ammo. I was killed by a guy flying a 550m ISK T2 cruiser fitted entirely with T2 and faction modules/ammo.

I remember asking online why this guy would bother me? I was just trying to rat in low sec for some paltry ISK and this guy warps in on me and blows me out of the sky. I remember him talking trash in local during and after killing me. The almost unanimous response was that I should “HTFU” and “That’s EVE get used to it”.

The EVE community is unfortunately extremely hostile towards new players (I wonder why CPP can’t get any new players to sign up??). All that stops however once you join up with a group. There are large groups that literally own certain parts of null sec. All you have to do is join up with them and you’ll be allowed to fly around null collecting as much free ISK as you want while your allies passively defend you from roaming pirates.

I don’t really get the hostility of EVE’s community, but it’s really easy to avoid the toxicity by joining up with a group and never complaining about being killed.


They are not. I meet new players on a daily basis and they get a very warm welcome.
For many of them it’s not a matter of being ganked or whatever. When I started I was given 100M in Jita, after someone killed my ship in low sec.
I know people who are in charge of welcoming newbros for the corp in Eve and they do it with all their kind heart, in high sec, wormhole, or null sec.
I personally spent more time in this game helping newbros (or not-so-new bros) rather than farming. I spend average 100M/week on ships for newbros/people who change activity /people who want to have fun/people who spend their time helping newbros. I don’t mind letting people I trust keep my multi-B fit to try some tricks, I don’t mind lending B without interest nor collateral if they deserve it. Contrary to what most newbros thinks, vets are well aware that money is not that important in that game. Fun is however, and social interactions are. Isk is only a way to get that.

but one thing I cant stand is the arrogant “I know better than you how this game is supposed to work”.
That’s just pure complain from spoonfed crybaby. You are wasting everybody time, and you are making people not want to teach the game to newbros - thus YOU are the one who is destroying the eve social fabric.
This kind of complain is just someone enjoying his own stupidity, like a baby smiling because his diapers are all wet and warm.




Welcome to EVE Online, where information is your greatest weapon in the game.

Speaking of information, your killboard doesn’t show you having a cargo valued at 35m+ at Jita when your Badger was blown up.

So unless this was on another character you’re using, and would be happy to provide the details (ie killboard), the loss of exploration ships can easily be covered by the ISK earned through exploration (since there’d be no reason in my eyes to reimburse said 35m+ from my own wallet). I’d just recommend lowsec and not wormholes unless you know what you’re doing.

Good idea, so take the whining ban off my stab and learn to counter… Hypocrite…

[Sepheir Sepheron]
Pour some coolant on your attitude I’m just giving OP a hard time cause he wants more safety.

Are you criticizing me? Oh, he wants more safety, reread the post dude, people were whining about not getting their way when Stabs were being used, so by the VERY SAME LOGIC, but of course, the pendulum doesnt swing both ways in your universe, does it?

(Marcus Gideon) So here’s the thing… You seem to have a notion that you are “safe” anywhere in space. The simple fact is, you are not. You are “safer” in High Sec, but only b/c there is a looming threat of punishment for anyone who goes against the rules. Mind you, it’s punishment, not prevention. Nothing stops people from ganking you, they are merely punished for their actions afterward. They gank you, Concord ganks them, you are left floating, and someone scoops the loot from both of your wrecks (you and the ganker).

Pay attention to what I said, these MFers got a legit component banned from a combat zone… They can have ‘rules’ in a f**king war, but we cant have rules in downtown tradezone? Use some logic, its called DOUBLE STANDARD like the title of the post, you could pay attention before you reply…

(Oreb Wing) Warp core stabs will never give you an edge for pvp due to its penalties that guarantee you will be shooting last and shooting close.

But hey, we will never know, because its ‘not allowed’ god forbid i should opt out in Jita they way they opted out of stabs…


I know exactly how you feel, if not for all the trolls on the shipping lanes picking fights with people who dont want to fight, then you have all the hateful trash in the help channels. I cant count the number of times I have been outright abused for asking a real question and trying to get help.

Frankly, I came into this with an RP mindset, I saw nation states with ethnic groups, and a rich backstory and thought seriously about what I was going to do in that environment. But it seems like all those game elements dont even matter. Why even have Caldari Vs Gallente, no one even cares about all that.

Frankly, why dont they have regulations on how strong your ship is allowed to be? I mean hell, they want to regulate who can escape a fight, but not who wins it? there should be t1 t2 leagues, there should be more control… In Guild Wars you had to be max level before you could even start PVP, here, the max levels go out of their way to prey on the lower levels and it seems to be encouraged…

I began with the one track mind of getting ISK once I had it, and could pull in a good amount on any given day, I started thinking about where I went from there, and all I found were abusive assholes who dont want to have a contest, they want to win a fight that was never a fight to begin with. Sports are usually between well matched teams, this, this is like mafia protection money shake down… Why should I ever get omega when I am not getting what I pay for?

It was an alt, I dont do everything on one character because every little thing messes with standings.

This ‘legit’ module was used by bots… and made them borderline uncatchable - after all you can’t catch stabbed instawarp punisher…

Fair enough I suppose, though I don’t see why taking minor hits to any particular faction to be an issue when you can raise those standings back up (or if you’re subscribed train the skills to lessen how much of an effect actions that lower standings have). The ‘Big Four’ aren’t buddy-buddy for their own reasons after all.

Still, how others are playing are completely legitimate ways of playing the game. You can take the time to go to relic and data sites, gathering up loot. Or wait for someone else to do it and blow them up. What you need to find is a group of like-minded players.

Whenever I made a new char and went to lowsec, I did so to deliberately get killed. I convo the aggressor, play the excited noob who doesn’t understand things and I always get everything explained, or links to learn from, and ISK thrown at me.

The people that kill you treat you as you treat them. When you’re an asshole, they’ll be an asshole back to you. Not once have I been treated badly as a new player, because I’m not an asshole for getting killed in a space where people are getting killed all the time.

TL;DR: You’re the toxic asshole and got what you deserved.

For everyone else:

Pay attention to the details they’re leaving out. Look at their posts and think about how they’re likely approaching others. In most cases it is most likely that they’re behaving like assholes, who later on complain about how others don’t treat them like the special snowflakes they think they are.


They didn’t ban Factional Warfare participants from EVER using a Warp Stab. If you’re cruising around normal space, you can totally fit them to prevent being captured.

But the FW sites are specific Capture the Flag arenas. It’s not just “a war zone”, b/c all of space is a war zone for you. But those locations are specific events in a video game. And yes, video games have rules.

I somewhat agree with your stance that too much ■■■■ is allowed to happen in the trade hubs. But that doesn’t mean we need big huge blanket policies to prevent any of that behavior. What we need are harsher penalties for that behavior. Like making Sec Status drop much quicker for ganking. After you pop a few haulers, you should be flagged Criminal to the point that anyone can shoot you at any time. Sure, they can just go make a new Gank Alt, but this one ends up retired. So they can still sit in Jita and pop haulers. But they can’t do it over and over for months. They can do it like 3 times and then they’re Kill On Sight.

As there’s no constructive conversation going on in this thread, I’m going to close it now. Thank you.