If you’d like to discuss this event, feel free to do so in this thread!
Please be aware that skillpoints are issued on an account rather than a character basis, so be sure to log into the character that you’d like to apply the skillpoints to when you redeem them!
It’s clear that the playerbase is dropping and dropping
They’re just trying to get normies into the game with these whilst alienating the older players
I’m not sure about the second part, it doesn’t really alienate anyone when everyone gets it. Most vets I play with would far rather shoot at a dude in a T2 hull than a dude who spent less on his fit than they spent on ammo.
To be honest, for me, as a new player, it’s hard to understand all this whining about free skillpoints.
You know, MMPORPG where playing skill (fitting, making the right character skill template…), instead of grinded skills matter, and those were always the games which i enjoyed most.
Ultima Online for example.
What I want to say is, don’t want to spend years training my character, because otherwise i will lose to any vet with all 5 piloting skills.
I want to spend my time rather in understanding the game mechanics, using them to get good chars and fitting ships right for the jobs they do… fleet doctrines, coop-patterns and so on