A few folks (including myself) have noticed that as of this evening the drifter cruisers in the Karen (drifter battleship) room spawn with full shields, instead of partially damaged. This means their shields go from 2436 to the full 10,000 and it more than doubles their EHP. Since this is already a very high EHP room it dramatically increases the dps requirements to clear runs, and, since this is also an extremely high incoming dps room espicially while the aforementioned drifter cruisers are alive (due to their ewar) this change will dramatically increase the tank requirements as well.
This change will also make gamma filaments much, much harder.
the entire point is this could render abyssals with a lot more death draws of getting multiple rooms in a row with super high dps (maybe impossible) requirements.
Try and bring this to the attention of the bug hunters on SISI. More likely to get some action there than on the forums … that the dev’s don’t read …