It looks like drifter wormholes are no longer working as they used to. Before this last patch, each drifter wormhole (Barbicon, Conflux, Redoubt, Sentinel, and Vidette) maintained between 20-30 wormhole connections. Now it seems there are a lot less holes. No matter which drifter WH I go to, there has been anywhere from 3-7 wormhole connections at a time (when there used to be 20-30). There was nothing about it this in the patch notes, so I can only assume it wasn’t intended. It seems there was a change to wormholes, fixing a bug that previously did not allow them to spawn, but nothing about this.
Now it seems impractical to use these holes at all, given the fact that it just took me 3 hours to find an entrance to any of the drifter wormholes.
They were not strong. They were actually pretty dangerous. Mass was limited. Life spam limited. So it was ok. But i thought you know for sure that they intentionaly neft them. But you are only assuming.
Yes I am amusing because I don’t see any logical reason why they would go from 40 to 8 randomly, out of 8 sig’s there is usually only 1-2 good null sec link’s, in the old 40 there was at least 12 Null’s sometimes more it’s a massive difference.