Drifters vs Capsuleer's news as 10?

I keep hearing I had it coming — what exactly did i have coming? Not every null sec citizen is a botting Nyx ratting titan bridging multi boxer. Not all the woes of lack of content or lack of retention is the fault of the null sec pilot. If you want to blame fozzie sov for dead locked mechanics fine, but please don’t blame the null sec pilot who is basically trying to figure out exactly WTF is going on.

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Null is self policing and the population is failing to police the farmers and the botters. So everyone shares in the blame.


The proper action would be to give a cause to fight over…like resources.

But no, CCP hit the easy button on this one as to not piss-off the Rorq fleets and is just going to cull some assets with AI…weeeeeeeeeeee!


p.s not arguing against your point as that IS the cause for sure…

Non consensual pve in a pvp game is the surest way to choke the life out of Eve. The way to get rid of the citadel spam was to make them actually worth shooting and not such a Grindy bore.

Ccp couldn’t get the players to shoot the citadels so they created bots to do it. Now if only they could get the bots to count towards the concurrent online player numbers.

“Non consensual pve in a pvp game”

The irony here is hilarious beyond belief.
+1 CCP


Asset Safety is the root of all evil.


I’m pretty sure if I tried to search for how many times PvE players have been told that Eve is all about non-consensual gameplay, something somewhere would crash.


I got it!!


The renters are bears right? They like to PvE. That’s what bears do.

Make them kill the Drifters or evict them!! :sunny:


Had stepped away last night after taking things a little too seriously and today I wish to apologize to those who are losing their structures vs npc Drifters.

I express regret for laughing and linking the New Eden super hero killmail showing all that green without even caring if it is upsetting any ones game play.

If you wish to message me in game and invite to a fleet,. I could supply my support active Frostpackers to safety mine your moon ore while you take care of those nasty Drifters.


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The same thing can be said about forcing PvE players to do PvP.



They joined a PvP game, no one forces them.


Personally I don’t like the idea of being forced to play the game a certain way.

However I’ve said it for years that if a Sansha Incursion in Null Sec doesn’t get contested by players, then the Alliance Sov there should slowly be diminished and revert back to open territory.

So yeah, guess I’m glad the Drifters are now disrupting Null Sec.


you mispelled ducks.
Everybody loves ducks. They are so cute, when they try to get up but can’t without some help !
You can’t not help it.
heeere …


They also joined a pve game. They aren’t magically exclusive terms. A game can be both.


Yeah, that’s what I said to my brother about our parents.
Then when he finally understood we could both have them, I brought him in null sec and podded him. NOBODY tries to steal my parents !!

I don’t know what CCP is doing, and if the drifter forces are scaling with defender forces.
If the event remains in the game for long, it will for sure prevent people in NS from keeping unguarded structures : you can only own as much territory as you can defend. Now I guess the drifters can be shot with fast ships though I know they are very strong. So how many people do you need to stop a fleet ? what’s the cost of defending ?

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I had a duck once. It was eaten by a narwhal.

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That’s The River Fodder :rofl:

You guys are funny.

If the game were strictly PvE, there wouldn’t be any way to kill each other. It would only allow for attacking NPCs.

If the game were strictly PvP, there wouldn’t be any NPCs at all.

So clearly it’s both. Which means you have the capability to be subjected to both. And since all the “hard core” PvP’ers like to thump their chests and say non-consensual PvP could happen anywhere and any time… then here you go folks. Now you’re getting shot at, instead of doing the shooting.




This is a fantastic game mechanic. In fact, I’d like to see it taken to high sec, and wh space. I think that CCP’s favorite Mary Sue, Vigilant Tyrannos would absolutely adore a formal introduction to Jita, along with the miners and mission runners in high sec. If they bring drifters to high sec, and I certainly hope they do , all of you who love this new content as much as I do would be able to participate in it without the need to travel all the way to null.