Drifters vs Capsuleer's news as 10?

I believe in my heart they should add Mobile Depots and MTU’s to the drifters attack table and send them to Jita… LOL


They already drop on players, so it only follows that they would also destroy the objects that players leave behind. I fully support this.


Hopefully because I never attacked drifters and also fed bodies to them they will be friends with me.


Yeah, that was my concern back when Drifters were first added to the game. Same goes for the Triglavians too.

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Drifters already occupy high-sec, they’re typically scanning people on gates. I always assumed they were just designed to be isk traps/ego checks for over adventurous capsuleers considering they don’t usually aggro. But you’ll see 4 cassandras + 4 autothysians in HS a lot. Not to the extent of nullocalypse or WH space, because High-sec pilots aren’t typically in organized fleets or doctrine ships.

However we do have to deal with triglavians, and if you’ve ever felt the DPS of a 20+ trig ball camping a station you’ll understand immediately what i’m talking about. Trigs, like drifters were designed to deal oppressive DPS very quickly which is why most trigs don’t scramble, they don’t effectively need to on most occasions to net a kill. About 98% of all NS doctrine ships would die to even the smallest roaming trig gangs in mere seconds. Just consider that for a moment

What NS pilots are dealing with is essentially what HS pilots were beta testing with trigs for the last month or so. Trigs were designed to execute HS bears, Drifters were designed to execute NS bears (which is all of you btw which is why they’re literally in every sovereign space).


Likewise left them alone so it (maybe) might make it a bit easier to get around.

Makes me wonder if potentially in the future we might see opposing NPC’s start openly brawling in pockets of space with capsuleer’s caught up for better or worse in it butterfly effect, but that’s probably for another topic.

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So like the X series…a SP offline game.

This already happens. There is a story of blood raider npcs attacking amarr npcs.

Then drifters show up and both the blood raiders and amarr turn to fight the drifters.

I believe amarr was wiped out with drifters holding grid and blood raiders escaping.

This happened in an empty system some where and no one saw it.

We only know about it because one of the drifters generated a killmail for some reason that got stuck or something because there was no player attached to it amd a dev troubleshot it.


I’m well aware that drifters already occupy high sec. They aren’t however exhibiting the same behavior in high sec that they are in null. Well, at least not yet. Drifters don’t need a 20+ ball of ships to destroy battleships , caps etc. It only takes one, though they do tend to bring more than that when they drop on you. Regardless, I haven’t seen or heard of any of this going on in Jita, or others systems that aren’t specifically designated as being “under attack” by Triglavians, and id love to see it happening everywhere.

One of the main core problems in EvE for years has been that global primary production outpaced destruction. We have much too much stuff. (And much too much money but that may be a different story.)

Imagine someone invented a mechanism to roll back some of that overhead by destroying large amounts of resources?

I for one am one null sec player who is looking forward to see how this is going to play out!


The Drifters did this month’s ago in highsec. Highsec blew them up.


They should do it more.

Nope, far from a SP offline game, but that’s another topic.

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in X3 the enemies are fighting off-grid in off-grid simulation of the space. At any time, terran are fighting in the terran systems, a boreas is patroling and killing NPC rats, and xenon do surprise attacks on the merchant, even able to one shot capsize if the game is unpatched.


Thats because they nerf everything solo and small gang players do but buffing/promoting blobwar and isk printing in ns whilst making it safer for the bears that live there and even more dangerous for the travellers (cus being in someone elses space isnt dangerous enough apparently)

The drifter thing seems like an idea but it wont be long before people complain it doesnt make them isk or its boring or plain and simple like thet did when fozziesov first came out; they bloody moaned they actually had to defend their own space…

Most pvp players arent in nullblobs, pressing f1 and following someone round does not make a pvper; makes you a monkey.

In essence this is likely too little, too late… and I do not think it has anything to do with having to defend space whilst curtailing offensive actions… because really there is more than a few rollbacks that would do the job far better.

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Hopefully though the content will change to local npc’s so it just looks like yer local rats are actually doing something instead of dying to vni’s in the most stupid way…

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Neither do trigs, if there’s 20 on a station you’ll just evaporate. That’s not even conjecture that’s just fact. There has been instances of 30+ effectively locking players into stations, because the minute you attempt to warp off or activate a module you’re dust.

I’m well aware of how ridiculous Drifters are, but the reason there’s such a strong force of them out in NS is because CCP is assuming y’all have big boi pants that can organize a counter fleet or finally make use of the upwell offensives as intended. Judging by zkillboard this is only half-way true.

Then you’re out of the loop because just a few days ago Perimeter, and surrounding pipes were under siege and trigs had pilots on farm status.


yep i know all about triglavians and how deadly they are though it tends to take more than just one or two to alpha a well designed ship. I have yet to meet a triglavian battleship toting a dd. If you find one though , photos or it didn’t happen.

People are getting popped. Structures are getting reffed. It’s just another day in null sec. Our big boy pants are starched pressed and worn. We even have big boy shirts , and a brand new shipment of big boy bow ties. If you keep it between the two of us I can likely get you a set. I bet you’d look adorable in the full ensemble.

Then I’m out of the loop and I’m thrilled to hear that the triglavians are wrecking havoc in high sec. Here’s to hoping they set their sights on Jita next.

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I belive it is impossible at this time as Jita has everything disabled to remove the unecessary load from the node. However, Amarr and other hubs have seen their part of trig bashing , I believe


That’s a shame. Perhaps they’ll enable it again at some point. A Triglav siege on Jita would be epic.