As an alpha i wonderd if i can get the skills to produce boosters. i know a few things like only synthetic boosters are allowed in high-sec and you need gas harvesting.
And where whould i get the Bp from for them?
As an alpha i wonderd if i can get the skills to produce boosters. i know a few things like only synthetic boosters are allowed in high-sec and you need gas harvesting.
And where whould i get the Bp from for them?
Boosters are made using biochemical reaction formulas. These require the reactions skill trained to level 3 - Alphas can only train this skill to level 1. The formulas are traded on the market.
The final production step is manufacturing from a BPC. I’ve found these BPC’s in low/null gas and combat signatures. They’ll be in contracts
Drugs are bad. Say NO to drugs.
Making drugs is okay though.
Also, you can’t make/use reactions in hisec. You must go to lowsec, null or wh and be in player owned refinery.
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