indeed it is…
It’s not tank that let’s them go through hs largely ignoring ganks. It’s the mwd cloak
Or, as someone already mentioned, you spawn too close to one of those dessies that each are fit with scrams, align brings you too close to one of them, or one of them gets too close to you in an attempt to decloak you.
At a decent highsec camp, each of the dozen dessies has a scram
To some it’s a BS, to others it’s half a post-update barge
Because you’re only half a miner, you can’t afk autopilot and get CODE-ed doing so, so you need to at-the-keyboard haul and not get CODE-ed
Not really, while it’s not a guarantee for the most part it cost to much to gank a dst if you don’t have some idea of what it has inside. So even if this happens you’re probably still safe.
No one ever mentioned being afk or not tank fit the DST. i doubt ppl will gank a DST in hisec without at least a bill cargo unless you pissed them off xD
Deep Space with Higs will generally warp extremely fast, allowing for far less setup. The other issue is that DST have an overheat bonus to their active modules. A pilot paying attention can pump their resistances and EHP to an extremely high level.
That being said, if you carry enough in value - people will potentially still try to gank you. Honestly though, I’d really like to see more Hybrid Industrial (Transports) and Mining ships (Barges) that can arm or armor themselves enough to deter threats or spider tank. I know the procurer exists, but I think it would still benefit fleets in riskier space to have such things.
I just came off a year long rage quit because an NPC Trig Gun blew me away in High sec in my prowler. Yeah, yeah, I was lollygagging out of station instead of hopping around like a squirrel. If I had been human ganked, I would have been pissed (at myself), but these #@#$&#$ Trig/Edencom pustules Lend NOTHING but rage! I fought like a dog to keep the Trigs out, but if I’d had fired off another brain cell I would have understood that CCP was going to do what CCP does. So that character has something like 2.7 Negative standing with the Trigs. I just cleaned up another character that had something like -0.07, or something like that. It took hours. I’m NOT doing that for that full up hauler. -2.7 is propbably a 1000 stupid rogue drone kills in Pochenhell. HECK no. That account will remain unsubbed.
Sure… ok. Proweler model sort of looks like a DST so someone might be confused.
Honestly any good impel fit should be able to autopilot through the NPCs. The players on the other hand will feast on one, no matter how it’s tanked.
I turned it into a little rhythm song. Click the target in the overview and "A (align), duh, F1 (cloak), duh, F2 (MWD), Reclick the target for paranoia sake and wait until the MWD is at 4 O’Clockish, F1 (cloak off), duh, D (Jump/Dock).
Once you can do that, calmly, no matter how much red you see, you’ll get that 99.9%. This also works for a a travel fit for many other ships. Not for the Mastodon level ships, though. I think they purposely nerfed power and cpu values to make it not possible. It CAN be done on the Mastodon level ships.
When Niarja had be captured by the Trigs (may their bits be row hammered) and was perma camped. I used it routinely to get fighting ships and supplies across. I was even blessed once with being called a coward, because I had a Hurricane fitted to the trick. Hallmark Moments.
does not work with insta BMs.
I was wondering… Ships with sub 2 second align are nearly impossible to catch. They break gate cloak and align in 2 seconds and warp off, unless someone bumps them.
How about doing the cloak trick by turning off the cloak before the MWD finishes? Assuming you left only 1 second of it, you’ll break your improved cloak with 1 second left and warp off, being impossible to catch even though the signature radius is going to resemble a battleship. You should be about as impossible to catch as a sub 2 ship if you break cloak at this time.
An Impel has a worse align time than an Occator, so to do the trick normally (breaking cloak once your propulsion device finishes) Improved Cloaking II doesn’t work, you need either faction cloak or putting some inertia stabilizer. Not getting locked on is more important than tank, so some stabs aren’t the worst idea, but it’s not like there are 10 low slots to work with. But if you let your last second of the propulsion module finish without the cloak, you’ll warp off fast. Just as fast align ships are nearly impossible to catch after they break gate cloak, you should be nearly impossible to catch after breaking the improved cloak.
That’s exactly how the cloak trick works?
More or less - you deactivate the cloak slightly early so it has time to register with the server giving effectively “cloak drops just as the MWD cycle ends”. You are aiming for “no drop in speed before uncloaking so you stay above the 75% warp start speed”.
I was told “drop cloak when propulsion module finishes” will generally mean you decloak and you’re at 75% speed for those with 13s or lower align, but anything less agile won’t align with Improved cloaking device II (will work fine with faction ones), such as an Impel without a stab. So if the server receives the “drop cloak” when the cycle is ending, the Impel isn’t aligned yet, but if it got the “drop cloak” order 1 second before, it would drop the cloak, the DST would accelerate even faster for that 1 second, all the baddies would see you on the overview, then the next second the propulsion module finishes dropping the maximum speed so now you’re over 75% (in fact, assuming Tech II gear max skills in a clean clone we’re at 112.5%), and you’re gone.
it’s drop cloak before propmod finishes.
when you drop cloak, you still need next tick to actually send the warp command, so if the propmod ends in this next tick it’s even better . So ideally you drop cloak 1s before the propmods turns off, and spam warp
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