Dual Tank Astero dies to Heron

Just under 200 without overheat with all 5’s and drones out according to pyfa, 210ish overheated

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Yeah… I approached to 0 and tackled him with a scram going. This was my first time doing pvp so I was just trying to do what I saw on the videos lol.

Then yeah… I sat there and ate missiles to the face… should I have hit orbit @ 3000m or something?

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Also… I just tested out the cap thing and I run out super quick… and I have to manually dag the cap thing over to recharge it?
If so… I didnt do that at all.

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His Rockets will hit out to 8km ish, and his Blasters can’t reach that far.

Your best bet was to Orbit him at around 7-8km with your Afterburner turned on (the speed boost you get from the AB will help mitigate damage from the rockets), while keeping your Scram (9km range) on him.

Since he had no prop mod, you would be in a better position to control range (though he only had a Scram, which would not have affected you at all).

Next time, keep those ranged in mind and orbit around a Heron at around 8km (just at the tip of your Scram range) because that’ll help avoid a signficant part of the incoming damage).


He died because he didn’t have 150m worth of nanite paste as well as 8 more navy 400’s in cargo. Obviously.

I was just about to post something similar, that Heron fit is an in yer face brawler.

Awesome, that is what I was looking for. Also, is there an easier way to reload the cap thing? Super annoying to have to drag it over every 10 seconds.

Exactly. After you PvP for a good while, you get a good hunch on what type of fit these bait ships will have.

@Path_Starbreaker keep it up, and just add it to a mental list. Next time you see a Heron, keep this fight in mind and prepare accordingly.

Your cap booster should automatically reload another charge (of the same size) as long as it is in your main inventory. If you try any fancy (fairly high level) gimmicks with a cargo container, you’ll have to reload it manually yourself (which can get hectic in the middle of a fight).

Just keep in mind that booster have 2 distinct cycles.
1 cycle to consume the charge.
1 cycle to reload.

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redacted, got my charges for ancillary modules mixed up

Yeah with everything running I cannot fill them fast enough… maybe I need to work on my cap useage somehow. I am sure there is a skill I can train for that. Also I found the auto reload option when I right clicked it lol.

Ok, so yes this was definitely a pilot error. Herons I need to keep at range (I am setting my auto orbit to 8k range from now on), I should have orbited instead of just approaching, and I really need to keep an eye on my cap useage with this build… maybe even consider changing something in the fit to make it less cap intensive?

Thanks again everyone, this has helped me a ton to figure out where I went wrong. My wife laughed and laughed…



As a rule of thumb.

Make sure your T2 Small Armor Repairer is running constantly.
Do NOT run your Small Ancillary Armor Repairer (SAAR) constantly.

Instead, your Ancillary Armor Rep should be seen as a large “boost” of health points. The way you want to use it, is to leave it Overheated (the green bar above it should be lit up) and then run it for ONE cycle when you need it.

The SAAR’s benefit is that it gives you a HUGE chunk of health per cycle, but only as long as it is properly fueled with Nanite Paste. It can only hold 9 units of Nanite Paste, so that means you get 9 big repair chunks, before it drops in effectiveness.


Here are the actual stats of both modules.
A T2 Rep repairs 92 health points each time it cycles.
An SAAR repairs 52 health points each time it cycles.

BUT!! If the SAAR is fueled with Nanite Paste, you get a 3x multiplier, meaning each cycle repairs 156 health points!


The SAAR also benefits from an Overload bonus. Which may cause heat damage to your module, but gives you an additional 10% extra repair, for a total of 171 health points. Which is (almost) double the repair power of the regular T2 Small Armor Rep.

But remember, the SAAR can only hold 9 units of Nanite Paste before it either (1) needs to reload, this takes 60 seconds, or (2) you drop down to the weakened 52 health per cycle repping power.

This is why you should keep your T2 Rep going constantly, but save your SAAR when you absolutely NEED that huge burst of health. You do NOT need to be (and really shouldn’t unless you’re in deeeeeepshit) running both constantly.

Hopefully that will help your Capacitor issues.


Holy hell man thank you so much. I literally had no idea about any of that.

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Jesus Christ I was way off.

Welp, time to resign. I guess I ain’t ■■■■ at PvP these days. You’ve all been great. Bye!

That would do it.

I would never be able to live something like this down. Thank god I don’t have a romantic partner, though!



EVE is a crazy complex game, man. Takes a long time to learn everything.
Just gotta keep a positive attitude and keep learning.

Good luck with your adventures, man.

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lol it’s been a long time, got wardecced by the kitten mitten crew way back when.

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Holy ■■■■ wow.

I ran away to lowsec with a couple of corpies, where we encountered The Bastards who promptly killed us all, and then give us all isk and advice after looking at the shitfits we were flying. I think I was about 3 months in at the time.

I just loaded the paste into the armor repair thing for the first time… and set it to auto reload and to overload… I feel invincible.

I had no idea it had to be loaded lol.


That you can admit to making mistakes and that you’re willing to learn from them, that puts you way ahead of the game.

Welcome to Eve, fly safe, or not.