I recently finished a high end gaming PC, I’ve been testing it out and noticed something I didn’t expect would persist with this new build. When I’m in a busy system, such as Jita, just outside a station with a lot of people nearby, I get decently stable FPS if I don’t move the camera. As soon as I pan around a few times, especially when zooming in, my frames drop by around 50%, from around 170 down to 70 / 80 FPS. Micro stutters register in the 60% + as well. I can notice the freezing and laggy responses in camera panning. This only happens near other ships. When I’m alone, stutters rarely go above 2 to 3%.
I was so confused. In my previous build (almost 8 years old) I just dismissed this behavior as general lack of performance. But I have a 7900xtx and a 7950x3d, the game is running on a 990 pro nvme ssd. I don’t expect that with this system.
I checked everything, drive throughput wasn’t even measurably close to saturated, as expected.
CPU was functioning as it should, running on the correct CCD, cores were parked, no severe clock drops, stable power. RAM was tested with MEMTEST and passed flawlessly, no clock drops there either. The only thing that happened across the entire system is that my gpu clock speed dropped with the stutters. Nothing else was happening simultaneously that would indicate being the cause of this.
So I ran Eve in DX11 and it was buttery smooth, super responsive. Not a single hitch while undocked in Jita, all graphic settings maxed out and getting around 190 to 220 FPS. As soon as I turn DX12 on again, it becomes laggy, very noticeably less responsive when panning and interacting with the UI.
So more testing later and the only thing that reduced this issue significantly was reducing the texture quality (everything else, aside from shaders, practically had no effect on this whatsoever). I could see the fps pattern was the similar, but much more narrow in it’s range The microstutter wasn’t registering over 60% anymore, instead to around 30%.
I’ve noticed microstutters in other games as well, but with some diagnosing I was able to fix them. For example, in Guild Wars 2 I ran at 80 FPS on max with severe stuttering and even brief lockups, very laggy camera, same as in Eve on DX12 in Jita. Turns out the “Ultra” shadow setting is very poorly implemented (old game…), reducing it to “High” removes all microstuttering (up to 30%) down to a max of around 1.5% and brings my FPS up to around 180 ish and was buttery smooth.
Having said this, it seems to me that my problem is a DX12 issue with Eve itself, probably the related to the new shading added?
So my question is, has anyone else noticed this on DX12? Getting wild FPS swings of 50% just by panning and zooming somewhere busy like outside station in Jita, getting laggy and unresponsive camera panning and interface. I was able to run perfectly smooth in DX11, so it has got to be a dx12 issue.
Again, for now I’ve only noticed this issue around other players in busy areas such as Jita. Alone, I haven’t had this issue yet. Though I’ve barely had time to test that out so far.
I’ve linked an Imgur album with screenshots of the FPS graph and hardware readouts in various scenarios.