Easy isk for Newbies

Do the Sisters of EvE epic arc (the bloodstained stars), it will get you some isk, a couple free ships, and towards the end you can choose which empire to get a nice little chunk of standings with without losing standings to the other empires.

Look it up (evesurvival.org is a decent rundown)

Be advised that the other epic arcs (empires - Amarr, Caldari, gallente, minmatar) are about level 4.3 missions. There are a couple pirate epic arcs that are level 3, but only filthy heretics pollute themselves with that dreck, so I’m sure an upstanding citizen like you would want nothing to do with such scum…right?

Then maybe outfit a destroyer for salvaging (destroyers have 8 high slots - so good to fit salvagers / tractor beams on). In highsec space, consider working for a salvage corp like ProSynergy cleaning up wrecks after level IV mission runners. In 0.0 space salvaging / looting wrecks after ratters can be quite profitable for a newer player. In most of 0.0 space, if you are not part of the controlling entity of that territory, or at least marked friendly by them, you are likely to get blown up. Don’t be greedy, be honest with those you are clearing wrecks for and build a reputation for being easy to work with.

Try out the relic / data site scanning mentioned previously.

I don’t work for ccp, but in my opinion being omega clone is worth it. Just cloaking device stuff for a player “exploring” relic / data sites and/or huffing gas is worth it. Then being able to warp around cloaked and use some omega-only ships really enhances fun - again, IMO of course.

For example, I have found “jedi huffing” in an expedition frigate to be fun. Here is guys doing that:

and welcome!