[EBR-28910] can't sell from station containers

Bug submitted ingame, regarding the absence of “sell this item” in the contextual menu for items in station containers, and the several issues it creates, along with the tediousness.

Can’t find it in “my activities”.

I think the only way you could is from main hangar.

it isnt a bug, you’ve never been able to sell from within containers

Just because it’s always been present does not mean it’s not a bug.

I would have copied the information and details I provided if I could find that bug in “my activities” but I can’t, so I won’t.

I understand that you believe it’s not a problem, and I won’t try to change your mind. If it’s not a problem for you, it’s better like this.

Not a bug

A bug.
I agree that the priority should be average, but it still remains a bug.

There is no way you consider the requirement of the stack to be in item or ship hangar to be an improvement : on the opposite it worsen the user experience. It’s a rule that adds nothing to the experience, but that you must take into account anyway.
The fact that you can move the items around to sell is a workaround, but the existence of a workaround does not invalidate a bug.

You never could sell from a container/ship/whatever. Alway was the main hangar

Let’s pause on the debate of Feature Request (FR) vs Bug - will see if can get some direct feedback on this, but for now, let’s keep on the topic of the issue itself.

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It’s always been this way (main hangar) as long as I’ve been playing. Just my $0.02.

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Item hangar AND ship hangar AND corporation hangars.

can from corporation hangar

can’t from container.

Can from ship hangar

Can’t from container

The game is dying.

After hearing back from my esteemed ECAID colleagues, have bumped this into Player Features & Ideas

Ship hangar makes sense. Where else are you gonna sell your ship from?

Corp hangar makes sense because that is where your corp owned stuff is.

Dotn get me wrong, i would prefer to be able to sell from containers (as well as repackage from them) but where as a bug (in my opinion anyway) is an unintended result of something else (an update for example), i think that CCP intend for it to work this way, so not a bug, least not in their eyes

When it comes to containers never assume it’s working as intended. They are old code, very, very old code. They’ve also been a nightmare for as long as i can remember. The only thing more obscure and terrifying to ccp is pos code