Not necessarily. ISK is just an enabler to whatever you find fun.
Some of us really enjoy flying frigates. 90% of my playtime is in one or another.
As others have said, concentrating on isk/hr and the size of your wallet is not the best approach. All you want is enough isk to let you do what you want to do. You do not need to measure yourself against other players, Eve enables you to set your own goals.
You’re gonna want to adjust this expectation for Eve. There is no WoW style endgame gear grind. All ships and modules have a purpose. Bling is a risk you generally don’t need to take.
Playing the game just to maximise your isk per hour is gonna get old real quick and kinda misses the point of being in a sandbox game.
stop thinking you know the game better than old players. Accept that you can have some misconceptions, and i fully agree with Scoot answers.
You are right, most of relic/data sites can be done with a frig, BUT other explo activities, which are much rewarding, require bigger ships: do you wanna do a 6/10, or other scanned combat sites, with a frig? surely not, you will need a t3c or a bs.
Do you wanna do incursions, solo abyssals, etc with a frig? no
Explo is good, yes, but some times you have to jump through many systems to find a site, because you have to compete with other explos. And sometimes your explo frig will be blown up, while, in a bigger ship you could have shot back.So don’t expect a “RoI” so high.
Furthermore, of course you can stick to relic/data sites and run after them hours after hours in a frig. BUT you will probably finally get bored. And some people don’t LIKE hacking you see, so they won’t stay in an explo frig, because they don’t have FUN in it, because you know WE DON’T GIVE A F.CK ABOUT ISK/H. As all said, this is a game, and isks allow you to fund the things which allow to have fun. Don’t focus on the best isks/h ratio or you will get bored and will finally leave the game. Do explo if you like it.
This is not “hacking relic online”, you see. If your sole interest is to hack hundreds of relic sites and not try anythg else, because it has the best “RoI”, you miss most of the game. Your wallet will increase but you won’t use it, because other activities have a lower “RoI”? lol
please, use the correct terms
rigs are not flyable
rigs are some additionnal modules that can be fitted to ships, you know?
what the hell are you talking about??? the guy in the video you linked flies a typhoon, which is not a frigate, it is a bs.
So, tldr, You say you wanna fly a bs, but your initial post was asking “why would anybody fly anythg bigger than a frig”? so you wanna fly a bs but you declare that it is not worth flying a bs?
I do want to fly a bs but I can see the associated risk with loosing a 500mln ship. and the only meaningful way to get the money is by grinding data/relic sites in a frigate because that’s the fastest way to make money. 5-6 days of grind - buy a bs - loose it same day - grind again - rinse and repeat
hence I can see no other reason to fly anything in between frigate and bs. either too small to attack bs 1v1 or too big and expensive and provides no big benefits to exploration.
unless maybe planetary interaction will eventually provide me 1bn a day so I can not care about loosing battleships
man, o, man
eve is a paper scissor stone game, where every ship has its counterpart. You don’t see reason to fly anythg else than frigs and bs?
maybe the problem comes from you and your lack of knowledge?
maybe you should stop thinking you know eveythg , and dive more into the game, to try to understand what are the advantages and weaknesses of dessies, cruisers, or bcs?
maybe i should stop wasting my time explaining things to you
stick to explo, don’t fly anythg else than bs or frig, OK. You are right and the thousands of players who found reasons to fly anythg else are wrong. Sure
In real life, do you work a job for the specific purpose of buying a high-ticket item, and as soon as you get enough money, you empty your bank account to buy this one thing? Or do you work until you have a cash buffer before you blow a ton of money on a single thing?
In this way, EVE is similar to real life.
There’s also the problem here that you don’t seem to have a goal in mind other than buying a Typhoon. Why do you want a Typhoon? What will you do with this battleship? If you do have a goal, is it something you can accomplish in a ship that is smaller and less expensive?
There are no ships in this game that can be called an investment in the classic sense, something that increases in value on its own. Ships are tools; a means to accomplish your goals.
I strongly encourage you to shift your thinking to certain goals. And by goals, I don’t mean an overly vague goal like “buy a battleship”. I mean an activity. If you match a ship to that activity, you’ll be on your way to thinking about this game in a more healthy way.
And in the meantime, while you’re working towards a typhoon, you can work on learning to fly.
Oh I get it, you want to be “The Meanest MoFo in the Galaxy” without actually expending any effort or taking the time to learn how to do things. Good luck.
To gain some experience so you don’t always lose that battleship immediately. Then you don’t stick yourself into a grind-lose in one day-grind cycle.
You don’t want to be like the many who make the mistake of rushing to fly bigger ships before they can handle them:
You really need to turn your focus in this game from making ISK to your own enjoyment. Players in EvE enjoy many different things, but whatever you do, do because you will enjoy it not just to watch a number in a virtual wallet get bigger.
Many in EvE choose to fly mostly smaller ships such as frigates even though they have been playing for years and could fly other things easily simply because they find it fun for them. A ship is nothing more than a tool for a purpose. A player could decide their purpose they want to do is best done with a titan or a frigate, but enjoyment is the purpose.
Join a group. Learn the game. Then you can decide what you want to do having armed yourself with how to play and you will perhaps give yourself time to see the many things that can be done in this game.
You already start with a flawed premise. I can speak for myself and say that I fly/do what I find fun. It is most definitely not the most lucrative in terms of isk/hour.
If you want to pvp start in small, cheap ships rather than jumping straight to a battleship. You will lose your ship repeatedly no matter what you are flying.
Faction warfare or exploration are good ways to fund this.