Okay, I’m pretty sure this exists somewhere, but I’m struggling to locate it.
I’ve seen a number of sites that give isk/hour for various activities in Eve- and those are great, but they don’t take into account cost of ship+equipment.
For instance, 50 million isk/hour sounds great to me, but then I see it requires 1.5 billion ship+equipment; suggesting that set-up needs 30 hours to get my investment back.
I’d love to see some ship/activity combinations where the time to recover the cost of equipment is <2 hours (under 1 hour would be amazing- but probably not realistic). Does anyone know if such a resource exists? I’m sure others have thought about this long before me.
I don’t mind losing a ship here or there as long as it’s easy to make it back. The key part for me is- it’s hard to find the activities that’ll make back the cost of the ship so quickly.
stick to activities that will not require an expensive ship, or a large ship, until you get comfortable using that particular ship, then work on moving up… you can try exploring, which can net good isk.