EFT (Eve Fitting Tool) for Invasion

look for the messages about installing Python from Hirmuolio Pine above.

Just save your character from EVEMon in the right format.
Easiest of all.


I tried using the import tool and it’s giving me the following issue of importing the module. Any idea on how to fix it?

C:\>C:\Users\User\Downloads\python-3.6.0-embed-amd64\python.exe C:\Users\User\Downloads\EFT- 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\User\Downloads\EFT-ESI-importer-master\EFT-ESI-importer- 
 master\EFT_ESI_importer.py", line 5, in <module>
    import EFT_ESI_code
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'EFT_ESI_code'


Are you planning on making any more updates to EFT?


im hoping he will since todays patch basically kills it off for everything :frowning:

up !!!

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You got my hopes up because I thought you meant ‘new EFT is up’. Sad!

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Please come back, don’t make me use Pyfa :sob:


Whats the problem with Pyfa?

I see people complaining, but never explaining what Pyfa is lacking?

It’s ugly.

I use to only use EFT years ago but it wasn’t getting updated so I started using Pyfa and haven’t had any problems. I still have EFT on my computer as well so now I use both.


I donwloaded Pyfa and tried to use it, but I despise the interface. EFT’s interface is so much more simple and streamlined. Need to find something? Just type it into the universal search bar and boom there it is. Ships, modules, projected effects, wormhole weather, implants, drugs, drones, it’s all right there in a simple, streamlined one-search-does-all window that I’ve grown very accustomed to.


I share this sentiment. I sent an evemail to Peter Han, and he never responded. It may be time to go back to pyfa, especially with the resist and damage changes in surgical strike EFT is far too out of date. :frowning:

I suppose he’s waiting for unbroken SDE. The last one reportedly have issues, as I’ve heard.

save meh life, update EFT !

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You forgot a magic word…


still waiting… =(

You should start holding your breath… I am sure that would help.



Who shall i pay to get an update ?