Elite PvP vs Ganking

Though Sasha Nemtsov is not saying that a miner can not one day become a ganker, just that they will never become an expert at PvP


Hot air ?

I’m okay with that as we just wanted to learn about Ganking as every miner should know about the enemy tactics.


Not if they stick to mining. It should be obvious, but I’ll state it here, for the record; a player can be both a miner and a ganker (or any other combination of the current activities on offer).

He may not, however, be called an ‘Elite Miner’ - Zounds! The very idea!


More of a Gank Enthusiast.

I like that! It has a nice ring to it.

Wormholers get my vote.


Wise undertaking indeed. Just as every professional diver should know about the ways of the sharks.

The most elite fighting force and form of PvP are the Lowsec warriors, in my opinion.



Do we include gate/smartbombing camps in this?


Smartbomb was named after the pilot.

I made my opinion clear in another thread about that laziest form of PvP, I think that Gatecamping should be outlawed and countered by the gate guns and gate NPCs. The mechanic should be: hanging around a gate more than 2 minutes should be deemed Loitering and punishable by ship destruction.
The gates system is a default form of space travel due to CCP not being able to code a true form of space travel. Look at other games like Elite and No Man’s Sky: no gates between solar systems, point your ship towards the star and off you go.
That gate system was a lazy way to make the players travel between system and as such should not be able to be gamed by pathetic lazy players.

Let’s call them Dumbombs and be done with it.


Can we maybe a apply a standing to this idea, ie: if in (specific) Empire space, your standing is < 5.0 then this applies. > 5.0, no effect.


Maybe. There needs to be a concensus. But that hanging around gates like drunks around a liquor store is total bs.

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Personally I think that suspect hunting, particularly given that many targets are deliberate bait, is way more ‘elite’. Sure there’s a proportion of easy targets, but there’s also a high proportion of targets that can and do fight back. I actually enjoy taking on the deliberate baiters. To me this is ‘real PvP’ and I’m getting increasingly better at it.


Yes, I can consider suspect hunting as being Elite PvP. There’s nothing lazy about that form of PvP.

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What about market PvP? :face_with_monocle:


Facing a Frostpacker’s wordsalad is the ultimate challenge if you value your sanity. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

So are you implying gankers and nullseccers are both F1 monkeys without actual skill while lowseccers are the real PvPers? :thinking:

:smirk: :innocent: :blush:

:popcorn: :smiling_imp: :popcorn:

So apparently the Frostpacker is neither an elite miner nor an elite ganker. :thinking:


I’ve heard using smart bombs in hisec is very smart. :wink:


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lol, no.
That’s the small gang that popped into space via a filament or through a WH connection.

Your average nullbear doesn’t ‘hunt’. They sit enough vargurs to blot out the sun on a titan in their staging system, ready to drop on the aforementioned small gang/WH crew in their space.
The average nullbear barely qualifies as an F1 Monkey.


Scamming your corpmates is part of life for a jump frighter pilot, isn’t it? Those don’t live in highsec…
… though scamming others in highsec needs more skill to pull off then scamming others in null needs, since you have more competition in highsec, after all.


Depending on your credit card, rather then your skill, is “elite”.

I thank all of you for providing me with a kaleidoscope of opinions on what kind of pilots are Elite in New Eden.

I understand that through vain pride every group may consider itself “Elite”.
I cook for 5 men in my household, my husband, my three sons and brother-in-law and although I have never attended a culinary school, I consider myself an Elite chef.

I have chosen a few bits of comments that have retained my attention for verious reasons and shall now attempt to respond according to what I have learned reading all of your responses.

I strongly agree, sir. Two of my boys have been playing CoD since it came out and I’m very impressed by their skills.

While I am not looking for general agreement, I can nonetheless make up my mind and have an opinion.

I strongly agree with your statement, sir. Methods do matter a lot in deciding who is Elite and who is a bum.

I strongly disagree, sir. Every career has its Elite class just like all armies’ specializations have their Elite groups.
Miners in New Eden are no less important than any other capsuleers and to denigrate them demonstrate either an ‘elitist’ mentality ( which isn’t ‘Elite’ but much lower like gutter-like ) or a low IQ.

I wasn’t seeking any knowledge, sir, and for you to pretend to impart any on me is rather haughty and narcissistic of you.

I strongly agree with this statement. Every Elite Miner should be familiar with what he’s up against.

I didn’t include Wormholers because I do not have that experience but your opinion is valued just the same, sir.

Knowing what I know now, I tend to agree with you, sir.
Lowsecers are some tough warriors to be feared and respected.

I very much agree with you, ma’am. Suspect Hunting must be tough and obviously needs highly honed skills and a high IQ.

All in all, I have made up mind on which Capsuleers in New Eden are the most Elite and the answer is obvious to me.

The highs:
Low-security warriors get my vote by far.
Closely followed by the cleaver Suspect Hunters

The Lows:
Gankers are rather pathetic by far.
Closely followed by Gatecampers who are more weasles than anything else.

I wish everyone have a good day now :slightly_smiling_face:


and you can also play EVE and interact in the forum.
You are absolute Elite!


I only cook for them. They’re grownups, they take care of themselves. Only one gets my undivided attention :slight_smile:

About as PvP as a price war on the market. Make of that what you will.


Ganking is a repetitive formula, not necessarily a skillful, brilliant execution.

Until EVE provides a solo-able solution, Ganking will be king no matter the location or sec. And it’s such undemanding task, that it doesn’t deserve a place in the same sentence.

Maybe I think of “Elite” as an individual. For any other case, most are just drones making use of the provided mechanics advantages for Ganking.

EVE will never deliver: There will never be a place for Elite near ganking in EVE.

So you don’t need no Elite… just more friends and a simple formula with easy tasks per individual so your gaming be mistaken as elite and make it to the forums.