Elite PvP vs Ganking

I would like to have your opinions regarding Ganking and Elite PvP and if you think that the two are one and the same.

I haven’t played a long time but there was a discussion in Corp Chat about PvPers in Nullsec and the capsuleers who call themselves PvPers in Hi-sec and more precisely “gankers”.
Some were saying that gankers aren’t PvPers and much less Elite while the ones in Nullsec were true PvP-warriors and even above and beyond Elite.
I was confused when they started arguing about the method which the two group utilized, namely one was using deceit tactic in the form of ambush and the other was straightforward about their engagement which is why they were called Elite.
Then I got ganged upon when I said that a kill is a kill regardless of how it happens and they started calling me a ganker apologist, a stupid noob and others things.
I want to know if they were right or if it’s true that a kill is a kill and who cares how it happens.

Who is really Elite PvP, Nullsec warriors or Hi-sec gankers?

Thank you!

Any 12 year old playing COD is more elite than either of those.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:



I think the Null-Sec warriors are more elite than the Highsec Gankers.
First of all, the Nullsec ones are Warriors, that’s got to count for something.
And second, the Highsec ones only play in Hisec and avoid Lowsec Nullsec like the plague, which makes them Carebears by definition, not counting their methods which are, to say the least, unsavory at best.


Are you implying that ganking is not real PvP? :thinking:

:smirk: :innocent: :blush:

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Now now, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. I never said that. I just said that the Nullsec ones are warriors and that the Hisec others use questionable methods.
Don’t put words in my mouth now, I don’t need to become Enemy Numéro Uno.

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I take that as yes. Thanks for confirming.



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It’s less a question of which is which, and more a question of what’s the context of the fight. There’s also some debate over which kills even qualify as ‘ganking’.

Ganking as a player-killing term mostly evolved from older games where a pack of players would basically insta-kill a much weaker group of players (or solo player). It then diversified to other types of insta-kill where there was no real chance of the target fighting back, such as thieves one-shotting farmers. It’s also mostly used, but not exclusively, in situations where the gankers can retrieve loot from the victim.

In EVE, that means ‘career gankers’, ie. the High Sec version where a group of them team up to gank targets for profit, are absolutely not “elite PvP”. Elite PvP implies winning a challenging fight with some risk of loss. Or at least outperforming the odds. High Sec ganking is generally undertaken with targets that are unable or unlikely to fight back (unarmed or AFK or completely PvE fit). So high-sec ganking is basically just another type of safe, risk-free loot farming, where the expense of losing your ship to Concord is essentially an ammunition/consumable cost.

Not all high sec ganking is of this nature. Some players ‘bait’ people into fights that look easier, then proceed to win the fight through better skill and preparation. Eg. Destiny Corrupted and others who bait players and then turn around and kill their attacker using their humble Battle Venture. Or some players bait/raid mission runners or DED complexes and thus are at least fighting someone with a combat (although still PvE) fit.

The same applies pretty much anywhere else, even though some people will tell you ‘ganking’ can only occur in high-sec because everywhere else it’s ‘standard behavior’.

If you regularly take on fights where you have at least say a 30% chance of losing, and you win most of those, I’d say you can call yourself an elite (or at least skilled) PvPer.

If you consistently arrange only to be in fights where you have a 5% or less chance of losing (whether by suicide gank, gate camp, hot drop, N+‘a whole lot’, or just carefully selecting targets that can’t/won’t fight back), then you’re on the ganker/PvP bottom feeder end of things.

Regardless of which security zone it is.


The whole question is, what is “elite” ? You’d probably base it on being successful (k/d ratio perhaps ?), which is an objective measurement. Or would you base it on taking risks, which is subjective ? Most of the time, the word is just used to show appreciation for a certain style, and contempt for other styles. And that is why discussions like this exist, there is no agreed upon definition.

You can find highly successful solo pvp’ers in hisec as well as nullsec (or any other sec or hole).
You can find successful small group pvp’ers in hisec as well as etc.
You can find successful large fleet pvp’ers etc
You can find successful FC’s
You can find successful fleets with highly disciplined pilots

,and you can find bums in every category.

Using the brain seems to be the key quality to achieve survival slash success, doesn’t it.

/ted talk

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Hunting a rabbit with a rifle.
Hunting a tiger with a spear.
Both require skill.
One requires courage.


@Hatch_Nasty Oh my. I’m not so good with riddles but I will try.

Hunting a rabbit with a rifle.
That’s the Ganker I think.

Hunting a tiger with a spear.
That’s the Null-Sec warrior for sure.

Both require skill.
Need a good skill plan

One requires courage.
Courage to fly in Null-Sec?

I probably messed it all up, I’m sorry. But I think I know what you mean. Not everything worth hunting is automatically worth shooting, something to that effect anyway.

No, Grasshopper. I’m afraid you’ve not yet understood my lesson.

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@Hatch_Nasty I’m sorry! :unamused: Everybody going to think I’m stupid now.

We hold a strong understanding that New Eden elite PvP pilots are the type of pilot who can make a ganker squeal and go weak at the knees.

One example is a ganker doesn’t use the same tools for their ship to gank while an elite PvP pilot would use tactics such as the rubber band method to increase their ability to evade damage.


There are face-offs and there are ambushes. Both require skill in preparation and execution. In my view, ‘elite’ should be ascribed not to the activity but to the exponent - where it is deserved.

Any PvP fighter in New Eden can rightly claim to be a member of the ‘Elite’ if his mastery of a particular PvP activity warrants such a description.

The term can not, of course, be applied to miners and practitioners of other non-PvP pursuits. Don’t want them getting uppity.


Hello young lady! Forgive my previous, deleted entry, I wanted it to be adressed specifically to you.

Thank you for your curiosity in learning about who the true elite among EVE Online warriors are. Take a seat, and allow me to hand you the knowledge that you seek.

Indeed, high security combat stands as the most elite form of PvP in existence. Its warriors, often trained by legendary agents with a storied history of battle within the high security zone, hone their deadly craft with relentless precision every single day.

The arena of high security combat demands not just skill, but unmatched nerve. You race against the clock to destroy your target before CONCORD, the indestructible executioners of your very life, hotdrop right on top of your position.
CONCORD is an entity that uses specialized weapons capable of obliterating any ship within mere seconds. They cannot be evaded. They cannot be defeated. Still, these warriors, the legendary gankers that you know and love, rise to the challenge and defy fate with every destroyed target.

It is this combination of skill, precision and unyielding resolve, that elevates high security combat to the very pinnacle of honorable PvP battle.
Only the most skilled, most perceptive and truly steeled of warriors can ascend to the rank of New Order Agent - earning their place amongst the stars.

To engage in high security combat is not merely “fighting” - it is defying the very will of the universe itself, mastering the art of war in the most brutal, unforgiving and glorious form.
A null security warrior would hold to this his exciting recitations of pressing the so called “F1” button. How quaint!

I hope that this has given you true understanding on this subject matter. Thank you for inviting my expertise on this topic.

With honorable regards
-James Fuchs


Chad is no miner!

Please refrain from pinging me to this thread as we would rather read from true gankers or pvp pilots.

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Oh my bad :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

As you wish, Mr.Chad :slightly_smiling_face:

There… deleted.

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It seems you’re correct after all, sir.

The frost packers are gank aspirants only dreaming to be counted amongst the truest most pure elite highsec fighting force.

Alas he failed to make the cut, so he turned to Anti-Ganking.

Being isolated for so long causes detrimental effects to the psychological well being of the Anti-Ganker.

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