Emerging Conduit (triglavian) solo fit?

EC’s are back btw.

They can be found in systems ‘abandoned’ by the Trigs.

In terms of rats they are more like the ‘old’ Minor Conduits in that the rats are mainly Cruiser and up sized rats. Same 4.5 million ISK per player and as I’ve only run one of them I cannot comment on the overall loot levels and if they have changed.

You can get roaming fleets warp in on you now also, and there are roaming Trig and Edencom fleets in the system, along with Edencom content.

The EC’s are tougher than before, and you get Anchoring (scrambling) rats on grid.

Not solo’able in dual boxed T2 Drakes anymore :frowning:

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LOL @ multiboxing EC’s…one Rattlesnake that never has to move, along with one Gecko, and I’m yawning at the end. Same ship can do Minor conduits solo as well…roaming fleets or not. Y’all are working a lot harder than you need to…but hey…you do you.

Please post your ship fit.

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