Encounter Surveillance System Update

What does that have to do with “immersion”, i’m curious.
is there a lore related reason for 115km?

it’s the size of the Large T2 anchorable + 75km.

I mean, it’s clearly stated as something encouraging good fights within these rules. So you are completely right.

HAHA to all you other player with your troll-like game behavior. Thinking EVE devs didn’t take favors in specific playstyles.


First of all … it’s always been a money earning tool.

Second of all has CCP actually turned it into a money-earning tool ever since CrimeWatch 2.0. It was just that people like yourself were the cows they milked. Now they’re turning their attention away from you, because you are not worth being kept around, because you suck and harm the game more than you do it any good.

You’re angry about them not seeing you as the cashcow anymore …
… which is no surprise, because you can’t even spell “you”.


I am very curious on a couple of things here. Hasn’t CCP always had the outlook that everyone should play their own way?

Isn’t null sec player owned space?

How come you’re forcing something to be spawned in a player owned system, not something policed, no security or anything else but there is going to be something forced to be there, nothing you can do about it other than accept it?

You messed with minerals and peeved people off, now you’re messing with peoples homes and peeving them off, is there some sort of secret agenda here or just intentionally wanting people to leave?



Just to clarify. I don’t really care about this change at all.

I’m just puzzled to why you choose to call certain tactics “troll-like” when these were allowed and within the rules of the system you designed yourself? Maybe design your systems better, instead of calling out specific playstyles as “trollish”?


CCP said on their stream when they talked about this crap that they would look into making sure that structures would not be an issue. Not a single word about that in the dev blog, however. I am looking forward how that will play out.


here is a spoiler CCP for what is going to happen contesting these nodes for ratters is going to be deemed to annoying to deal with people are going to leave null sec for isk generation and just run L4 missions in empire.


no they won’t


my Vargur looking like fun…

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It’s pay is better with less risk

Yeah not a huge fan of this, seems they just don’t like null being they place to make money anymore


Some will. Some won’t. The question that will get asked more and more is ‘what’s the advantage of owning space in null?’

If CCP’s got an answer for that, in the system they eventually see all of this as being part of, I think a lot of us would love to hear it. But I don’t know that they do.


Constellations worth of planets
Drinking with buddies and setting up gatecamps
Oh, can’t forget, near 100% safety with perfect intel channels

I mean, there’s a lot if you’d all stop whining about it. CCP’s even said that this current period of drought is only temporary and that after the bloated stockpiles whittle down to a healthier level, they’re going to reintroduce different systems to revitalize nullsec.


Payouts from the ESS happen automatically to contributing PvE bounty earners and no longer need to be retrieved in person.

It pays out automatically every 3 hours to contributors, but can be stolen from at any time by invaders.

That means I have to stick around for 3 hours after I stopped ratting in system where I spread to according to CCP’s wishes and I cannot payout my rewards myself once I am done besides “stealing” my own rewards?

CCP surely has thought that through well.


So you don’t get the ninja looters in high sec! Apparently that’s it now haha

Did I miss something or can the system owners just “steal” the bounties themselves with a key ?

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From how it reads you can only steal ALL of it, so take everyone elses in the system, you can’t distribute anymore

Yes, null is supposed to be an anything-goes type of place. Make your own playstyle. It’s not as if there’s isn’t plenty to do or plenty of conflict anyway (especially right now!).


yeh but system owners can reduce corp tax or raise srp to compenstate