Encounter Surveillance System Update


We have just released a dev blog going over the changes planned to the Encounter Surveillance System. Please use this thread for feedback and discussion on the ESS topic. Thanks!


Let the tears fall like rain!


@CCP_Dopamine Any info bout whats going to happen to the ESS thats already existing in game? are they going to be deleted? Are they going to be unobtainable?


I like it all except the no MWD’s. Its gonna turn into Phantasms/Nightmares and Huginns being the absolute way to go, and with no fast tackle to grab things already in the sites there is going to be no real oppurtunity to grab people already setup behind the gates, without them just leaving from a proper response :confused:


You should also disable afterburners, because peeps use oversized.

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Great addition to the game. As someone who spends some time roaming Nullsec, it feels frustrating that there is 0 recourse to damaging someone’s “farm” when they just dock up on entry. There should be something at risk, in space. I like these changes!


Can we get some actual numbers on the main bank and the reserve bank? Im assuming loyalty points are also removed as of this change? Keys through gameplay on a later date? Just make it a data analyzer module. I like the current ESS system not this when its mandatory to have one in a system. If you feel like you want to change it just make it an optional like the Pirate detection array upgrades in a system.

If those gates to the snitch-device prohibits tech 3 sleeper cruisers, it may even be okay to have them.


Can I place a Keepstar next to it?


With this change please don’t show where the the hotspots are, The only chance this has of being balanced is to remove all ESI and in game map intel of PVE happening in nullsec. The hunters/attackers need to be forced to visit systems to see what’s going on.


this is a dumb idea even by CCP standards.


You will be able to decommission them through NPC market orders.

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LP is removed yes.

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avoid troll-like tactics

What constitutes “troll-like” tactics?


It better not include legitimate tactics like anchoring 149 bubbles around the edges of the 75km-radius warp disruption zone, as well as the warp-in point. :smirk:


149 bubbles? Sounds like something encouraging good fights!

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Why can’t you just leave the game alone for a bit? No sooner have we got used to one set of changes than there’s a whole gameplay style being imposed. Seems to me that in sov null it just adds unnecessary complexity, not conflict…


No, the tactic that will encourage good fights is bringing a rapier in, slow-boating just outside the grid, lighting a cyno and jumping in a half-dozen smartbombing titans, who can then slow-boat into the ESS grid and sit on the warp-in spot ready to obliterate thieves.


So where are the details? This dev blog is missing the information on how it works, what ships are allowed in, what the % breakdown of what gets withheld, if there is any benefit to this in terms of extra isk or lp. Very disappointing dev blog that tells us less than what we have already figured out.


I see no problem with artificially increasing the burn out range from 75km to 115km, immersion and all