Patch Notes for Version 18.11 (December 1st, 2020)

Main changes:

Game Systems:

Dynamic Bounties System (DBS) parameters adjustments:

  • Equilibrium value increased from 115% to 135%
  • The maximum output of the DBS increased from 150% to 180%
  • The recover to equilibrium rate for states below the equilibrium value has been increased, making it easier for systems to recover.

Encounter Surveillance System (ESS) parameters adjustments:

  • The time required to hack the main bank increased from 5 minutes to 6 minutes and 30 seconds
  • The auto payment timer reduced from 3 to 2 hours
  • The radius from the ESS where Cloaking is restricted increased from 75 km to 150 km. All other effects remain at a 75 km radius.


props to CCP for iterating on these systems much faster than usual. might need a few days to really see how the changes impact gameplay around the ESS and DBS, but nice to know they’re paying attention and willing to make quick changes.


Yeah cheers CCP Scoots.

tl;dr Crabs now suffer 2/9ths less or hunters get paid 2/9th less.

Shame on CCP for folding faster on this than blackout.

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How are you so negative? First you want to cancel Christmas, and now this. Do you need a hug or something? Perhaps a visit from the ghost of Yulai Festivals past?


I have never seen him not being bitter.

Maybe he roleplays as a bitter person in EVE and in real-life he is actually really chirpy, positive, fun guy.


Maybe because they’re bleeding subs through their ears and their strong vocal forums crowd just isnt paying the server bill.


Small changes to ESS & DBS, but welcomed one.

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It’s a completely new system. The chances of getting it exactly right the first time was slim. And from what i hear there was some players gaming the system anyways.

They kind of need to bleed these subs though.

These players only want to perpetuate a broken system.


I wouldnt say it was broken, but not profitable enough for marketing dept. Like with many things recently seeing change.
Gamers will adjust tho. CCP will not be getting much cash from these changes for long.

@God_Emperor_Kane also. Is this accurate? Maybe ESS/DBS is part of CCP’s pro-botter/RMTer agenda.


I wonder how many subs they have lost within the last 15 days that forced them to react so quickly :thinking:


A healthier game requires that people take on risk for their rewards.

Null bears don’t want any risk for their rewards. They don’t want to even press buttons to get their rewards. They believe the current state of eve’s pve entitles them to afk isk printing.

If the DBS is so bad, they can earn bounties in hi-sec.

But they are so entrenched in their no effort gameplay that their goals are fundamentally incompatible with a healthier game.

CCP kinda needs to let them leave and start again.


the numbers don’t support that, but sure?


Hint: the numbers in the region of November 30th are the one to look at, not the numbers of September :wink:
We can see a big decline compared to one month ago

^^Hello future self looking back at this.




Doesn’t look like CCP is bleeding subs to me. Wonder where you would get such an idea. Maybe you spend to much time talking to bitter vets? idk.

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Holy crap. Lol. I guess I should have read the thread before posting. I post a screenshot of Eve offline, and suddenly see a wall of screenshots.

It is hard to see where are the subs and where are the alpha bots right now.
