Current DBS, ESS, and the iterations we’ve been through
So far, we onto v4 of the DBS and ESS in which CCP is still attempting to tweak changes until they’re happy.
We’ve seen a consistent increase in the upper limit of “contested” systems, not counting the genocide of cyclones in this. At the same time we’ve seen some tweaks to ESS in regards to the time until payout, cloaking changes, and we still have no full understanding of the interactions you have when warping to the ESS acceleration gate.
In regards to this: CCP doesn’t seem to want to stick with this system, but they seem to be missing a few key ingredients and as such they adjust tweaking the numbers to compensate for these issues.
Problems with the current DBS
So there’s a few problems with the current DBS, as the ESS is considered to be a kind of unique and odd situation in the game, but people seem to generally be enjoying it so far.
Problems with DBS, and some minor ESS issues:
- Forces a fully even spread of ratters, removing chances of fleet fights as it’s just a single person with their alts
- High DBS modified systems are still not attractive to ratters as 50% of the income goes straight into ESS which takes a whole other approach to defend
- Low DBS systems are not more attractive for pirates / ESS raiders, as there’s simply less in the ESS
- None of the info is available on the map, only through a bugged version of the agency. CCPlease add this to ESI and the map
Suggested changes
DBS applies instant bounty payout vs amount that goes into the ESS
The following formulas would be used to keep it fair and square, yes these are taken over by an idea posted by somebody else before here.
- DBS Range: 30% minimum, 200% maximum
- Your payout = 70% - (100% - DBS%)/2
- Amount to the bank = 30% + MAX(0, (100-DBS)/2)
Example with a few numbers:
- 30% DBS = 35% of the value goes to the ratter (every 20 minutes), 65% value goes into ESS, total 100%
- 60% DBS = 50% goes to the ratter, 50% goes into ESS, total 100%
- 100% DBS = 70% goes to the ratter, 30% goes to ESS, total 100%
- 120% DBS = 110% goes to the ratter, 30% goes to ESS, total 110%
- 200% DBS = 150% goes to the ratter, 30% goes to ESS, total 150%
DBS value modification
To prevent people from gaming the system and modifying the stuff by blowing up a bunch of unrelated cyclones, simply do the following:
DBS modification (per 24h) = (Value of all destroyed items - insurance payout) / (Value ratted), maximum numbers capped at +25% or -10%
(Optionally) Region Bounty System
Introducing… Region Bounty System, DBS affects how much you as a ratter gets paid out vs how much goes into the bank. However to prevent from huge stale region where nothing except krabbing ever happens, and the occasional ESS raid: all rats’ value is affected by RBS.
RBS modification happens similarly as DBS, but much slower, and with moving averages. Numbers are a bit hard to come with, but should be somewhere around 50% <–> 150%, with a month of good war setting them up to 150% until the value of that war has been krabbed away.
Just think about the value of Delve :O.
Other changes
Increase the payout from ESS to bonds from 70% currently to 80%, reducing the amount of ISK that goes into thin air.
Secondly disable cargo deposits to stations to which you have no docking rights.
Issues which are addressed
With the current system, as a system loses its value in DBS it also becomes less attractive to pirates. Which leads to less fights, which in turn leads to an even lower DBS.
If we instead look to change it so that DBS just changes the amount into the bank + an added bonus for ratters if they chose to rat in a very active system, then systems with lots of ratting activity will attract pirates on the hunt for that bank.
Similarly, instead of rotating systems in a region like rotating crop, the whole region would now be affected by an RDS, making whole regions slowly less attractive over time as their value declines.
To the point that holding a single 100% region is more valuable compared to holding 2x 50% regions (as your forces are twice as spread out). Hopefully this introduces some bigger alliances fighting over new regions.
To that effect, every time an alliance moves, it’ll create a conflict, which will increase the region’s value in that time.