I don’t understand why this new mechanic was accepted. Why is this mechanic okay with other players? Why does it remain in the game? The only party it benefits is CCP because we make less ISK therefore are forced to play more or buy PLEX from the store with real life money and ultimately makes the game less fun.
Why do I hate this mechanic? Because the ESS isn’t a bank, it is leaching my hard earned ISK into a vault with no protection from a cheap cruiser to come in and steal if I don’t watch the vault for the entire 3 hours its stuck in there. On top of that, The BPA can take away up to 50% of my pay because each system is dependent on pvp. If no body pvps, the system loses its value and up to 50% of my earned isk is taken away from me because CCP found a way to make us lose isk and get away with it and call it pvp balance… So, 50% can be taken away by the bounty payout adjustment and another 50% can be easily stolen if some one isnt gaurding the vault for 3 hours.
It’s stupid, its lame, its gives all the power to the attacker who can simply see the vault from the agency overview. It doesn’t help players venture out to more profitable systems, instead it forces players to pack into systems so theres more players to defend the ESS.
I personally play an hour at a time before I need to take a break. If I start to farm at the beginning of the ESS time interval, I have to risk losing half my isk to a stabber cruiser because he stole in the 5 minutes I was away taking a ■■■■. I don’t have time to gaurd it for 3 hours straight until it refunds.
If its a bank, why can’t i withdraw my isk payout? Why is it held hostage in a vault for some one else to steal? Sure, I can link up and lose more isk but I can’t do that if other players are farming with me, so it stays stuck in the vault for some one else to easily steal.
This is ■■■■■■■■ mechanics. Remove it or make the following adjustments.
- Make the pay out every hour or allow players to withdraw their bounty whenever they please. It’s a bank right? Why can’t I effin withdraw my money?
- Stop nerfing my income, either remove the bounty payout ■■■■■■■■ mechanic or raise the minimum adjustment to at 80%.
I mean, unless your in a super farming CRAB sites, you aint making ■■■■ in null sec. I’m better off sitting in a FW PLEX afk with a 2m destroyer capping sites. Make more isk that way, nobody can steal my payout, im not risking anything, and I don’t have to do ■■■■ but let my drones auto attack the npc every few minutes.
I’m fine with the idea of the ESS and allowing players to steal payouts, but you cant have a bounty payout and a ESS system. It’s ■■■■■■■■. Pick one, either allow players to steal or stop robbing us of our income with the bounty payout adjustment ■■■■■■■■ shity ass mechanic.