Encounter Surveillance System Update

Dont they? How much did they give to small scale during last year?

I dunno, nothing unless Ive missed something. The drives Ive seen have all been to make industry and pvp much more attractive in groups than solo.

Bear in mind, its not whether its a good move or not, but that CCP dont actually cater for all playstyles and do want a particular set of styles to florish.

Given the amount of folk on here who complain that their own choice of style has been nerfed or what have you, its pretty clear I feel that a lot of people at the very least perceive it so.

Do you feel this change (ESS) for example supports your playstyle?

I´ve seen quiet a few things that promoted small scale PvP, not paying much attention to industry.

CCP does not need to support my playstyle, but if they are forcing people to engage with others playstyle - that´s not a good sign.

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Exactly. I dont want to do Large Scale industry or PVP any more than you want to do… whatever it is you dont like.


Then what exactly is stoping you from doing small scale pvp/inidustry?

Mostly; an arbitrary 200% increase in the cost of my chosen playstyle.

Citadels are getting more expensive for everyone, imagine costs for larger groups

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Larger groups are able to afford it more easily thanks to the economy of scale. Plus, part of my playstyle involved the active trading of structures. I dont have the raw capital to do that anymore.

So, you are saying that all playstyles are being catered for by CCP, including yours?

You dont feel that they are marginalising some professions or styles in favour of others?

You dont have an issue with the ESS for example?

Or the mineral changes, you dont think that has affected those who built from what they mined and chose not to move to get them? Thats not a playstyle?

I feel you are manuevering to attempt to score points, and not actually discuss this, but Id be happy if I was wrong, as we might actually find common ground.

But if youd rather not, just say and itll save us both the effort of arguing for no outcome.

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If you can not afford 2 astras instead of 1 - consider changing your playstyle, since things are going better for some casual krab who is running lvl 4 missions.

As for the rest of the message: i´ve never said that CCP are catering to all playstyles.
And it seems like you´ve never read my messages in this thread, otherwise you´d known that i have quiet some issues with upcomming changes.

I have, thats why Im questioning your support for a statement claiming CCP is “a business which wants to attract and retain all playstyles”, which is what I was objecting to.

I may be coming round to seeing your other points more clearly, which is why Im puzzled that you disagree that I see CCP as actively maneuvering the game to support particular styles over others.

I didn´t write about “a business which wants to attract and retain all playstyles”, i wrote about specifically solo/small scale.

The person I was replying to did. Thats the point I was talking to him about when you made your point that you were told “entire alliance should work on a titan”.

If I have incorrectly assumed that was a reply to what I had said, then I apologise for the misunderstanding.


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Who would even Rat in null in the future?
I estimate player loss.



“Rise of The Machines” - that should be the title for upcoming patch :sweat_smile:


Not that ESS really matter to me - was never much of a ratter and have pretty much won eve at this point - but…


This doesn’t make sense, from a lore perspective or mechanics perspective. You’re basically creating giant faction warfare sites in null sec on the premise that Concord is paying you for killing rats out in null sec(which they don’t really care about), and rewarding your loyalty to whatever faction with the same currency they give you for actually killing pirates in their space they do care about. You’ve also pretty much created an instance where either no one is going to defend the thing because it’s not worth the hassle or no one is going to try and steal from the thing because it just needs a couple of webs and a fast lock and good luck with your roaming ship surviving the few alts waiting for you.

Sure, there will be some more isolated systems where someone is trying to rat in peace and quiet, but those peeps aren’t going to YOLO into the site to clear you either once you steal their monies. I know I certainly wouldn’t be tossing my sabre’s into these things if I’m roaming fit because lelRIP my MWD’s, where before I’d at least consider it.

What are you trying to accomplish with this? ‘Not Arena but actually arena’ space in Null sec? If you really like the gate and pocket idea, then put acceleration gates in the game and let players set them up themselves, with a few caveats, ofc. Or if you really like the ‘Empires magically giving a hoot about null sec pirates’ line, then force alliances to grind their high sec standings so they have to have a high caldari faction standing to get a caldari ESS to pay them caldari LP(with diminishing values so they have to maintain it).

But this? Feels like an ‘Every tool is a hammer’ approach to try and smack ratting a bit. And there are far better ways to go about it than this.


The salt is going to be exquisite

Is it ever not in here?

If we could mine salt? :thinking:

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Aren’t people already angry about PI?(I haven’t really tried it). I’m sure that there will be many people posting about how salty they are about the fact that salt mining was added before PI gets “fixed”.

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