Enforcer the expensive the gorgeous the awful

As a ship which a lot of time is used in fleet PVP Marshal is very expensive. One might think that its okay to pay x5+ times more for the ship that looks cool and have some unique features. And well one might be correct if 10b is not much isk for him. One might even fit shiny modules inside Marshal to become more effective. The problem lies here when you actually get in trouble during that fleet PVP. Player mistake, bite taken doesnt matter. Marshal will ALWAYS be PRIMARY because Marshal kill on zkill looks x5+ times better than all subcaps and even some capitals before taking fitted modules into account.

Why do all of Recons have bonuses do DPS if they are not meant to kill stuff?

The lowest of all Recons

Falcon has only 20% less, is that considered very high?

This part makes no sense, what use does the web bonus has if you must be in scram range? In that scenario Arazu would do much better job. Like million times better.

The ship has no tank. Other Recons have 50% higher base resistances and more mid or low slots allowing to tank a lot better than Enforcer. You should play around a bit with fits. Enforcerā€™s Effective Hitpoints are awful in comparison.

It costs that much because it is good and useful unlike Enforcer. Marshall also has more mid+low slots than any other ship in the game including capitals, more by 3-4. Also it has EWAR bonuses no other Black Ops has.

I would argue that it is only because it is a very strong ship, not because of zkill.

Edit: would be awesome if Enforcer received some of Marshallā€™s treatment and landed at around 1.5bill price tag.

Skiff, HICs, Orca, Porpoise, Lancer dreanaughts also have damage bonuses, yet they are SPECIALIZED to do other stuff which other ships cant do.

Argument out of context. In order to damp enforcer with one ship so you have chances to break its lock you need perfect skilled sensor damp bonused ship with 4 heated sensor damps xd. I think its very nice targeting range still xdd.

What is even the point of this argument. Are you arguing that enforcer is suddenly become too good? FYI bastioned Vargur have 48. So yeah 42 is a lot.

Another argument out of context. ā€œmakes Enforcer have place among the best FRā€. Arazu has no web bonuses so holding 10mn frigate or 100mn cruiser in place might be challeging.

This one Has 70k ehp before implants which is plenty so your buddies can arrive and kill your prey before it kills you.

Your last two arguments are vey weak, you know. No matter how much slots or bling or how strong you consider Marshal if a fleet will make you primary and it will would definitely be the case, you will just die unless you have a personal FAX backing you up xd.

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Sure, they are specialized and at the same time they kill stuff.

If this applies to the Enforcer which has the lowest targeting range of Recons, then the same applies to all others. I do not understand why would you take Dampeners into the consideration.

Enforcer has 35

You can scramble from a lot longer range than you would be able to with Enforcer. You can catch up with MWD and web if needed.

Pilgrim gets around 100k EHP with the same items.

P.S. Thanks, TR09N, you have helped me to learn a thing or two about the game.

I dont see your point. Sure, you can try to use a large dictionary to hammer a nail but using a hammer will be much better choice.

That point was made to show you how force recons work, you know, ship that can tackle another lone ship which then a have no way to escape, despite FR is immobilized due to nature of how cynos work. I dont find bad that some ships within same class have some stats better than another, its called ā€œBalanceā€.

Mine have 42. If yours dont, its just skill issue.

A friendly reminder that Enforcer costs almost the same as same lineā€™s frigate.

That makes sense:

  1. The limited availability of the blueprints are a major factor of the price of these ships (rather than materials, like with most other T1 and T2 ships).
  2. The supply of both blueprints is about the same (once per character, after a little effort on the long grind towards the big payout of the Marshal BP)

If anything I would expect the prices of these less commonly used ships to be similar.

What exactly are you trying to tell us?

For me it makes no sense at all. A bpc of a frigate which requires x3 less effort to get costs more than a bpc of the cruiser.

The supply of the Marshall bpc is the same too then, but the price tells a different story.

In the end it is about supply and demand. Marshall and Pacifier have their prices because of the demand which is a result of the ships being greatly superior to their counterparts. Enforcer has very little demand because it is abysmal in 95% of shipā€™s characteristics. What I am trying to tell is that the ship could use a little love or even a rework.

No, as someone who did project discovery to obtain two Marshal blueprints: Marshal blueprints are seriously expensive as a prestigious (and honestly overpriced) blops battleship, and these Marshal blueprints are the end-goal of the project discovery grind.

As a side-effect of grinding for the Marshal blueprints you get all sorts of other rewards that are worth some millions of ISK, some a dozen millions of ISK or even more. But itā€™s all pennies compared to the end goal that makes people do that grind: the Marshal blueprint worth billions of ISK.

Some of the in-between rewards are the Enforcer and Pacifier, but these are merely side-effects of the grind. And you get one of each.

While technically the Pacifier is given a bit earlier in the grind (at level 50) and thus more available because not everyone made it to the Enforcer yet (at level 150), this difference of 100 levels is tiny compared to the length of the grind for the Marshal (500 levels). People who spend any serious time on Project discovery will get one of both long before they reach the Marshal and finish their grind, creating a near-equal supply of both.

It would be wise to have this limited ship be competitive in brawling situations with the same tier ships. Could be an incentive to play more in order to do content in it. I assume it would land at 20-25% of Marshallā€™s value when properly balanced.

Sounds like someone heavily speculated on Enforcer blueprints and is now trying to drive the price up.

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