Before I decide on ships to fly and guns, what engineering skills should a new player focus on? I want to PvP or roam with others. I’d like to get some performance out of my ships.
Capacitor Management
Capacitor Systems Operation
CPU Management
Electronics Upgrades
Energy Grid Upgrades
Power Grid Management
Weapon Upgrades
Get all of these to at least 3 to start with, then take them to 4 and 5 as you’re able.
Thermodynamics might be an Omega-only skill – not sure.
Thanks so much for the recommendations. I did the tutorials and didn’t see much on the skills.
Thanks mate. I assume long range targeting lets you acquire a target, but doesn’t mean your guns are in range?
Essentially correct. Your ability to hit a target will be determined by skills and the type of gun/missile and/or ammunition you have equipped. Most weapon systems broadly divide into short range and long range types, and then some have ammunition that extends range often at the expense of damage, and so forth.
To begin, maybe read up about optimal ranges and falloff.
Thanks! I figure falloff means still applying dps, but not optimal numbers? I will check out some YouTube videos.
Very informative! Tracking and angular velocity seems pretty damn important. Thanks for sharing.
this site will teach you the basics on many subjects in eve.
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