Equinox -- Null Systems and # of Potential Upgrades

Following your discussions i feel the next month can be iteresting how nullsec will be reshaped.
We will see how much of a Nerf this really is.

What i dont get is why they try to sell it off as a buff.
Equinox with focus in nullsec will ensure more difficult decisions to thrive in nullsec seems much more honest to me?

You’re imagining things.


Rather than explain my point again as I’m now certain you’re going to ignore it again (>60% of systems have to decide what multiple upgrades to install in a geographic context) you should give your alliance your plan for every systems upgrade by picking the biggest thing that fits. Shouldn’t take too long and I’m sure you’ll do great.

If you’re not in a bull bloc just come up with a quick plan for all of Delve. Shouldn’t require but a few minutes of your time. Biggest thing that fits. I’ll wait. And I’ll go compare it to what goons do in a month. I’m sure you’ll score 100%.

with regards to Equinox, they said this would be good for NS but it isn’t, the moon drills run of off the gas from sky hooks, that the alliance’s will take and if they have spare then sell, this is going to be the same with the ice for the Hubs. any skyhook put down there alliance will control. the new ore they said (same old ores reprocessed including now trit) new sites that aren’t worth doing are really small, new capital combat sites not worth the risk v’s payout (having to do this in a dread or super) payout being 3 carrier’s 60m to 120m plus look if you get any. if they were thinking of the player base Moon drills should run off Fuel blocks, forget the new ore sites just put trit back into null. from my point of view this is the worst patch they could have done for Null it was better before the patch, and this is coming from someone that has lived in null for 15 yrs. there wont be big fights like they said there would be.

that includes wormholes and hs/ls. There are over 2000 j space systems. I dont know how many ls/hs systems there are

data from two years ago here How many systems can I explore if I want to explore them all? - #4 by Scipio_Artelius

I tend to agree with you. This is scarcity 2.0. And if this results in a pcu drop like the one that was “achieved” by the infamous blackout - also a new “interesting feature” for nullsec - the game may lose a lot more than it has gained over the last half year.

can you show us in a picture where blackout hurt you?

if the terms “pcu” and “blackout” are unknown to you then no picture will help you.

At least you now know how many lowsec, hisec, nullsec and wormhole systems there are, if you did the clicky thing on the linky thing.

As an alternative I can show you a picture of nullsec carebear reactions to it:

:wink: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Black out hurt me a lot :smiling_face_with_tear:… Had to sit outside the nullbears station yelling for them to undock for hours.


I doubt there was anybody to yell at, as I just paused subs on all my accs for the entire duration of this monumental trust-breaking idiocy, and maintained strict no-login discipline.

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Yea I was surprised I thought maybe all the risk averse players would move back to high sec and people that loved danger would move to null but it never happened guess null space is too poor for that.

It was actually not that poor at that moment. Definitely a lot richer than it is now.

It’s just there was no way to exploit it, when every system of value had a covert cyno at the ready, and there’s really no counterplay to a covert cyno you can’t see coming.

The hole chickens tried to cry “its just like wormholes”, I wonder how fast will they quit if CCP decided to enable covert cyno in wormholes “until further notice”.

ED: Just to not go over “but you can trap the drop” debate all over again. Yes, you can trap the drop… once at most. If droppers are so monumentally stupid they take the bait, what you’ll achieve is a few bomber kills, if you’re lucky maybe a T3, in extremely rare cases a blops. And what next? How much did you mine while this was going? Nothing. And now the droppers are educated and the trap card is out of your hand. Can you mine now? No, in an unlikely event that initial cyno died at all, the new one will come from the next system in a minute. So yes, a trap may work once, and achieve nothing, because you still can’t mine for real.

My personal believe is that cyno’s are overtuined and so is the ability to get to 0 with a cloaky, if those are balanced having no local wouldn’t be so bad.

But hey who knows what the game will be like in 10 years.

Adding this reddit thread in here, since some of the comments bear pertinent numbers to the general drift of this thread. Copying the most helpful comment segments over as well: Vartherion comments on EVE never changes

Before the patch we could put an ansiblex in all 2712 conquerable systems but now there’s only 41429 Ice/Hour produced in the entire game, effectively capping the total number of ansiblexes possible in the game at 1255. That’s a 53% nerf to the total number of possible ansiblexes!

If you raid all the ice from the ice planets it comes down to 502 ansiblexes across all of nullsec, which is 1 ansiblex per every 5.4 systems. minus that required for supercapital construction systems and that lost to destruction. But if you can defend your ice planets (across all timezones) and mature it you can get 2.5 times more.

((This is not a comment on whether the numbers are good or bad. Personally, I’m in favor of fewer ancis.))

502 Ancis = 18.5% of all sov null systems connected, so roughly one in five systems will have an anci. That number goes down by 6.667 for each super construction facility you have. Surplus caused by successful harvesting will cause that number to go up drastically, but we’ll have to see how likely that is. That number can also be forced down as people burn skyhooks to deprive alliances of their logistics backbone, so blocs will likely spend their time before activating sov hub by banking a fair amount of ice to act as a buffer in war.

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You’re going to see Ansi webs replaced with ansi highways, but projection is still going to be absolutely possible.

“Banking” reactants for a strategic war reserve will absolutely be a thing.

The issue is that, to have any amount of vigor at all in a system, you need both good trusec and good Power. Without both, you’ve got a system that is going to see some activity when the moon pops, but is going to be largely abandoned.

Do you agree that blackout should have never been a thing before this was addressed?

The game has been dead to me for 2 years now.
If this will keep going where it is going, there would be no eve in 10 years, just like there is no eve now.

I agree yea, it should have been considered /adressed and risk/reward before blackout was initiated.

Just play in different space, Null sec is dead but wormholes is still a lot of fun.

I lived in C4 for two weeks once, and let’s just say I couldn’t understand the appeal. It was very little content, and rather bothersome to keep stuff running.

If I’m back its probably going to be hisec at start, but it’s still gutted since 2013, ain’t much to do there. I’d rather biomass than become a filament trash, mined enough veldspar back in 2010, what used to be my favorite ice system no longer has an ice belt, and I’m not fond of the idea to pay sub for what’s trying to pass for eve nowadays anyway.

Lowsec is your next best bet then, insane amount of content.