If you talk about Superionic Ice and Magmatic Gas - it’s usual trade goods which can be transported and traded as all other stuff. But it only need for new sov upgrades and metenox and i think it wont be selling in a serious quantities in HS.
where the raiders going to sell what they loot?
NPCs have buy orders for the stuff, also people who have low sec and WH Metanox Moon Drills.
Are all small groups dead as asserted?
Yup. Not a single group in all of EvE smaller than Goons.
Well they had a good run. RIP small groups.
How much of this you need to loot to get a reasoable outcome and how you plan to haul such volume to HS from deep nulls?
Anyone who has lived in nullsec knows how to use a wormhole. It’s basic knowledge for living out there, and would you look at that, CCP just released a series of haulers perfect for such activities.
There are more advanced methods to get cargo back and forth from highsec, but jumping through a wormhole is the most reliable, specifically if you’re not too picky about the destination.
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