ESI, Citadel Location Issue

So i’m having an issue here trying to get the name and location of a citadel i’m not on the ACL for, i already know its ID but trying to translate that ID in to a location seems to be impossible, anyone know exactly how i’m supposed to get its name and system from the API without being on its ACL, seems like fairly easy public information as literally anyone already in a system can see its name and location

/universe/stations/{station_id}/ doesn’t work because the ID is too long

/universe/structures/{structure_id}/ requires i’m actually able to dock at it in order return data, this endpoint seems to have the data i want, restricting the name and location to only people on the ACL seems like a massive oversight as that means i could never accurately list my items location if its inside a citadel i can’t dock at anymore

Am i missing an obvious endpoint that does what i need or has CCP really been that daft as to prevent you from being able to see the name and location of a citadel outside of the game?

Simply put, if you do not have permission to dock in a structure, you cannot resolve it via ESI.

So they could be that daft then, figures :confused:

They really should fix that oversight tbh

I doubt it’s an oversight… more likely by design.
same thing applies ingame, if you can’t dock in the structure it does not show on your overview (unless you are on grid with it).

So its poor design then, i mean either way its not something that actually needs to exist, it only complicates things for developers working with the already annoying assets list, if i have “something” in that citadel i should be able to query that citadels location externally regardless of if i still have access to retrieve that item

I could be wrong about this, but I do believe that the information you seek are indeed provided when you query your assets; it should tell you what items you have incl. name and system of the station they’re at.

Yes it will give me the location ID, but, the endpoint that translates that ID in to a name/location returns forbidden if you’re not on the ACL, that endpoint should respond the same as if i were ingame looking at my assets and that window tells me the name and the location, there should be no difference between that and the assets endpoint

Re: Asset and locations.
Currently the following issue is the place to go vote if you want assets in citadels to be resolvable:

That said, you can resolve the systemID (and thereby region etc.) via the bookmark endpoint, given that you have bookmarked the citadel. Or ofc. If you have ACL via the structure endpoint.

Those are the options we have.

It’s to do with Intel.
You could programmatically hunt structures being able to get the names.
Different to hunting them ingame as that requires player input inside the client

Its not really any different, if i have assets located in a station i know that stations name at all times and i have access to its information without having to hunt for anything, the same should apply out of game, there shouldn’t be any difference in the information i have access to in terms of my owned assets, hence the location of the structure those assets are located in should always be able to be found by the API of the person who owns those assets

I also wish the forums would stop making me bypass the stupid auto deletion of full quotes >.>

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