HEX.S - Nullsec PvP & PvE - Now Recruiting!
Are you either an experienced player or a newbro looking to learn the ropes and experience life in Null?
We are currently recruiting people with all roles in mind; PvP, PvE & Industry.
Spectral Hex is a multi-role corp with a special interest in PvP. We live in null as part of the Rezeda Regnum alliance which belongs to the Legacy coalition (the ones winning the war!). We are a group of friendly grown ups from all different time-zones who like to have fun and play games!
We’re big on community cohesion & helping each other.
Being a part of the Legacy coalition allows us to get in on massive thousand + man fleets, and be part of a huge community.
Eve is love, Eve is life but real life is real life. We will never expect you to cancel something in real life to do something!
What we are looking for:
-English Speaking
-1m SP (Not set in stone, if you’re under still feel free to speak with us, SP is just a number, it’s gained, other things are more important!)
-Active enough to partake in fleets and activities
-Working Mic & Headset for comms during fleets, Discord and Mumble is a requirement
-Good attitude, snowflakes are nice in the winter but we don’t want people who are going to have a meltdown.
-All time-zones
What we offer:
-All sized fleets, from home defence, hunts, low sec roams & stratops
-Moons to mine
-Angel space for ratting
-Home defence for when enemies come knocking to make our space safer for ratting and mining
-Newbro friendly
-One on one and group training and confidence building
-SRPable fleets
Interested or have questions? Come and speak to us in our public channel: Spectral Hex Public or message Reticuli Zeta in game. Catch me in Discord too: Reticuli Zeta#6436
Or you can apply here