EVE: Aether Wars - Holy hell, guys! ❤

Hope. It’s right up there with that other priority attribute of EVE players, patience.

EVE has bottlenecks, we’ve also felt the consequences and the effects of decisions on infrastructure changes and the acquisition process. Overall it’s nothing new, we’ve had an interesting evolution since what we came to call the friends & family round to beta stages and onwards. But that evolution has stalled, so when a sign pops up of a potential paradigm shift that may serve on a foundation level hope and patience flare up once again.

Realistically there’s only two scenario’s in which a tech solution as Aether deemed viable would be allowed to serve as the mechanism of a paradigm shift, cost saving and volume increase, with the first scenario being the more obvious (outside of external / venture relations on product / tech / etc), but still.

This is the kind of thing that can be milked, and perhaps the milk is sweet enough :slight_smile:

On nice… great to hear! :smiley:

Given this is just a tech demo and isn’t at all linked to the infrastructure of EVE, there’s not going to be any killmails or anything (at least not that I’m aware of!)



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Almost 11 years of Eve experience here. Signed up to be the first in a 10.000 player virtual battle (‘I was there’) and because I’m very interested in the technology behind it.

For what it’s worth, having downloaded the demo (3 times) and obtained a log-in code, I am now told that there is no record of any participant with my details.

Have fun the other 99,999 of you

Key from mail don’t work.
“We’re sorry but we don’t have a user with those details registered”

Same for me.

Edit: solved

Could be a male-chicken-in-vertical-lift-off situation

Hang on. It’s delayed by 30 mins. Watch chat for info https://www.twitch.tv/ccp

10k HYPE

Got on. Unable to steer at all – just go, not go and (possibly) fire-a-torpedo.

Got in and got 52 kills. Do I win anything?

I think we only got to 3200ish real players before they started pumping in the AI.

Edit: Here’s their debriefing: https://www.hadean.com/blog/gdc-2019-10000-ships-in-a-single-battle

I was actually looking forward to participating in this…
But scheduling it for the middle of a work day on a Wednesday…

's when the grockles were available to watch it at The Show

So much for 10K players :s I was watching a couple of streams and it looked like the whole thing was falling apart at around 2.5K players and what was with all those missiles seemingly just moving around at random - I guess just to stress the tech out but at facevalue it didn’t look very good and no better than a reasonably competent engine could do with some relaxed tolerances and lower simulation update rate pushing higher prediction onto the client.

What was the reason behind these missile-zoids flying in space in a tadpole-like pattern? Why?

Watched the video (because i couldnt get into the test myself) - it doesnt seem too interesting, way too laggy plus all the missile clutter ruined it, imo. Might have been better representation with a smaller bounding skybox and more tightly packed players/AI flying around.

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10,000 ships in a single battle (70% AI - which basically sat still and spammed missiles - so barely indicative of a player)) - and hardly playable…

Way too much trumpet blowing going on

Hopefully they will come up with something a bit more convincing next time

Eve already does it better if you consider players and drones/fighters (which all need resources as they actually do move… and calculations for tracking/damage etc etc)


They should test the same Environment (exact same ship types doing the same actions with the same numbers) on both Platform’s, it would be the only true test.

So, signed up, got code, logged in eventually, to crash to desktop after 10 seconds.

Re-logged and crashed to desktop after about 10 seconds.

Re-logged and crashed.

Re-logged and crashed.

Gave up.

Hope it was worth it for someone.

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