EVE after death

So I have a semi morbid question.
What happens to your account after you die?
Are you allowed to bequeath it to somebody? or is it forever lost to the cold of space?
If you know you are going to die soon are you allowed to gift / give your account to somebody?
Can you put your login info in your will?

I’m curious what violates the EULA in these situations.

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You’re not allowed to share the account with anyone.

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If you are dead then it can’t be your account. so again. Can you will it to somebody after your death?


Tell me where it says there is an exception for when the account holder dies.

If you die then the account has no owner. I’m just curious what the legality is of bequeathing your assets (physical and digital) to somebody after death. DEVS, I ask your guidance.

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Who cares? It’s not like CCP is going to know if the person logging in is different, just give them the login info and leave it at that.

I think EvE account is the last thing someone’s going to worry about after I throw my spoon in the corner.

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That’s not how it works.

You can’t give away something in your will that you don’t own. By your logic, the account has no owner after you die, which means you cannot give it away to anyone with your will since you don’t own it.

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OK fair. But for the sake of argument, lets say somebody put their login info and PW in their will for somebody? I mean if you’ve been playing for 15 , 20 years, you might not want to let everything go because you got in a car wreck.

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That would be sharing accounts and CCP would be in their right to suspend or ban the account.

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But is it sharing if you are dead? in this case only one person still has access to the account.


Yes. It is. It doesn’t matter if only one person has access to the account. You’re still sharing it if you give your login info to someone else.

As the player base gets older this topic will come up time and time again.


There have already been cases of eve players biting it. But you are right, as time goes on, this will become more and more of a problem. Do you want your digital self to die when your physical self dies.


I feel like Scoots is right here.

You don’t own the account or the assets associated with it. Feel free to do whatever with your login details, however if it’s discovered by ccp i imagine the policy will be to ban the account. And it’s probably a good idea to stick to policy, otherwise you open the flood gates to people claiming they are on deaths door as a reason to share account info. What are ccp gonna do? Ask for a death certificate?

You can exchange characters however. That’s a way to save progress.

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I think someone is about to lock the thread after telling OP to contact support. No point in arguing over the EULA with other players.

Where in the EULA does it talk about your account after your death?


Hypothetical scenario, I die leave a will stating i want all my isk turning into plex and then donating the proceeds to the next charity CCP run. surely its better to free up some data on the servers than just clogging it up for years and years. No one logging in for decade after decade if the game ever runs that long xD


It doesn’t need to. Why is this so hard for you to understand? The EULA prohibits any person other than you from using your account. There is no special exception granted for death. Sorry if this isn’t the answer you wanted to hear, but continuing to ask the same question is not going to change the answer you get.

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OK, but under USA law (and I get this is a MMO and people of every country can / do play it) if you die, your assets become the property of somebody else based on your will or lack there of. So why can’t digital property be a part of physical property?