Eve and teamviewer?

The game rules essentially state that one “input” action (you pushing a key or clicking or using your finger) must only ever result in one “game” action in one game client (a command the game understands, like “stop ship” or “orbit” or “open market”). If it’s any more than that, it’s botting and bannable.

Remote viewing as you described is fine to my knowledge, and has been done by players forever. There is a slight possibility that CCP’s anti-cheat systems would raise a false positive, but a GM would be able to fix that with no problem.

The suggestions in the thread of checking with a GM before you do this are good anyway. However, mind the fact that the Eve ToS include:

  1. You may not publish private communications from CCP, their agents or representatives or EVE Online volunteers without authorization.

So don’t post the response here (not verbatim, at least). You can paraphrase it.