Eve and toxic pilots, why CCP is looking away?

edit: Nabi Kim ( Xuixien alt ) falsified the discussion history after thread got closed by forum moderator, details see Eve and toxic pilots, why CCP is looking away? - #91 by Gualu_Echerie

original post:
Eve is a game and should make fun, but for some pilots fun is to destroy other pilots mentaly, so toxic player. I think these kind of player should be banned, so let us player discuss it now. I choose this plattform, because here CCP can see who is writing what, so can not be ignored like discussions on reddit, so no herassement in thes topic.

The pilot I want to talk about is Xuixien, he is regulary choosing a target, most Leader of a corp, and start his herassement, on all levels and all plattforms, to me he is doing his psychogames now nearly 3 years, smashtalk in local, have blocked him completely, then ingamemails from his alts, anchoring mobile depots and rename it, ah, and ship names, his Hecate named “Gualu is Mad LMFO” is a harmless variant, and changig it sometimes all few min, opening tradewindows at station, transfer ISK with herassement and so on. Yesterday one of his guys, or maybe one of his alts left a blocked corp to post herassement in local.
He has a blog where he write about what he is doing and his “success”.

funny how he explain how a group of sociopaths are no sociopaths, because they founded a group:
"I will say that again: if you’re part of Fake Alliance, and you act within the established social norms and rules of Fake Alliance, then you are not behaving in an antisocial or “sociopathic” manner, even if Fake Alliance’s sole MO and reason for existing is to make life a living nightmare for everyone else - precisely because of group identification. " ( Who Dares - Wins.: Life in Solitude: Week One )

He annouce everywhere he is the best pilot and will win always, but when he loose a ship he is more known as “the salty boy”…

He is flying together with Scary Wormhole Poeple [WHBOO], they know what he is doing, some of their member are very active supporting him, permacamping me for weeks, and when he need support they bring fleets for him. Making a deal with whboo is impossible, because Xuixien used his corp outside whboo to attack the whboo blues, when they made a deal with him too, then he used his ganker alts to attack… and he always said it is ok, because game mechanics allow it, his ganbking alts not blue to the ones who make a deal with his corp…
Once the whboo Leader said, there are 30+ whboo alt corps, and I know some of them are used for highsec ganking and other stuff like that.

I’m german, so xuixien and some whboo call me ingame and outgame a nazi, once he found out one in a chat was colored, so he and his mates started telling rassistics jokes… I had to open allready multiple tickets about him and some of his whboo friends, even the whboo leader was once flying a ship where the shipname called me a nazi. How I’ve heard multiple other players opened tickets about Xuixien and his mates too, and I’ve heared he got at least one temporary ban.

In the first days I met Xuixien, he was trying to make a deal with my corp in the name of WHBOO, ofc without any plus for me, so I declined, later one WHBOO diplo agreed Xui was asked to do offer these deals… later as he started shooting whboo blues, they said they can’t controll him…

one Problem is most, CCP is ignoring outgame activity on other platforms like reddit, there xuixien announced one time proud he destroyed my mental health anf ofc herassement on lowest level, he can’t do ingame. In this cases I think ccp has to see extern sources too, when they fit to the ingame behavior.

What do you think, should CCP ban faster these toxic player who have fun to choose one other player and trying to destroy it mentaly over long time, and stopping ignoring extern sources in this cases? All together give a clearer picture.

When you had similar experience with Xuixien, write them down here too, let all know what he did to you.

And at last a word to the WHBOO pilots, I know not all of you are in xuixiens games involved, some are good pilots, but you all know what xuixien is doing, you all profit from his herassement, you all join fleets to support him, you all look away when he is playing his psycho games… so you all supporting him… think about stopping looking away, say clear NO to what he is doing. Hey, and share your experience about his herassement and psychogames to CCP, help to remove this toxic pilot from eve.

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Who knew the internet can have mean people?

Block the toxic person and move on.

Toughen up OP. Go play a few MOBA games or FPS games and you will know what is toxic. Coming from a Dota 2 vet myself.


blocking them is not really a solution, sending ISK with herassement as comment is still working, using alts to write ingame mails is still working, renaming ships to see the herassement on d-scan is still working… and ofc when he is “ready” with me he will look for another to play his psycho games with… the question is now if we normal player want these toxic player staying ingame, even when there multiple tickets from multiple player are made, or if we want that CCP react and ban these toxic player…

This can be reported to the GMs and they do take that seriously after you have blocked them.

Simple screenshot is all you need.


yeah, thats some of the tickets I wrote about…


and it does … !

if you play as “victim” then the other has won ! dont play as “victim” and nobody can hurt you … and btw → eve is only a game … dont get hurt by other ppl in a game ! that makes no sense …

no ! its legal gameplay ! if you think its to much then repot him and see if CCP´s opinion is the same as yours !

oO but CCP will simply ignore this Oo … if you want to stop other player from harassing you then report them ! writing a forum thread is not helpful !

legal gameplay !

legal gameplay !

legal gameplay !

and hes right… you are mad ! you need to ignore him !

legal gameplay !

legal gameplay ! and i´m sure they dont xD its only in your mind because in your eyes he´s the devil and all bad stuff happens to you is because of him !

i´m sure he dont attacking blues of their main alliance xD if yes then he would be kicked very fast !

thats a thing you can report to CCP ! they will intervene and he needs to stop this !

then he better stops or CCP will ban him permanent

why CCP should care about other platforms ? they shouldnt …

not about “normal” harassement like renaming his ships or mobile depots or something ! for calling you a nazi → YES they need to do !

i´m not sure if this is prohibited … ive done such things aswell and i never got any mail from CCP that i need to stop this


It is. CCP doesn’t like harassment. If you are actively attempting to avoid someone through moving systems and blocking them then they will take action and yet they still follow you I would for sure report that. Now is CCP the most responsive to cases like this and what OP writes? I don’t know.

It does seem harmless.

i have other experiance :wink: but maybe youre right

It is also best to remember never to feed the trolls as they say.

If someone wants to get a reaction out of you be the better man and don’t give it to them.

So we should just ignore Gualu?


Sometimes if we all ignore each other and worked in the shadows. Things would get done in this game. :slight_smile:

I ignore them, when they try to bait, I decide to ignore it or to organize a counterdrop… hunting pilots are no problem too, they get me or I get them…

But here I’m talking about a pilot who is selecting a target for his psychgames to destroy him, and trying it over years, I guess he would give a party for his mates when they together could bring another player to suicide… I know at least 2 player who stop playing after he was done with them… thats his goal, destroy other player…

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ofc he did, and then it was explained with gamemechanism, when blue to main alliance doesn’t mean blue to the alt corps… he shooted multiple time direct blues of the main alliance together with main alliance members, later the WHBOO leader explained why it was ok in that case… I had once an agreement with them, and he tried to kill our miner with his ganking alts, failed 2 times, whboo leader expained then is ok, because not in main alliance… whboo main member dropped blops fleet near our miner, without attacking us… or decloaked bomber direct near the miner… reason was then they were bored… so not possible to make deals with them… it seems Xuixien has an alt in direct whboo leadership, so he can do what he want, because the alliance has profit from it too…

some of the points you say they are legal gameplay, are not, and that all together then, the legal gameplay and the not legal show a concrete picture about their playingstyle… and when you see them as a group, so he let other doing the stuff he got allready a warning for, you can see the problem…

Try to look for the solution to that scenaro simular to how you could handle a neighbour playing loud offensive music.

A;) After kicking open the door, proceed to smash the speakers and trash the tv on the way out for good meaure.

B;) Call someone to do that for you.

B:) Ignore the offensive behaviour and carry on with your gametime!


IF he shoots you, just shoot back. That’s the beauty of EVE. You can just fight back and kill what you don’t like. There’s no issue with toxicity here.


If someone is breaking the EULA/ToS, report them (if it’s important to you).

Calling someone out by name for breaking the game rules is simply going to get your thread locked and hidden, as it’s a GM matter, and not a community one.

The best the community can do here is talk about practical, in-game methods of dealing with legitimate, PvP-oriented gameplay elements (e.g. if the player in question is ganking you, we can talk about actions you can take to mitigate that threat). But we can’t help you if the player in question is talking in out-of-game channels about how they’re trying to get you to kill yourself IRL or something; that’s CCP’s matter to address.

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Why not a healthy mix of all those?

  • Casually throw a molotov at their house that will handle the issue while you carry on with your gametime. (Just make sure there are no witnesses.) :wink:

:fire: :smiling_imp: :innocent:

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I’ve never met the character…which maybe suggests your solution.

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Sticks and Stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me.